𝐱𝐱𝐱. 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧

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▶️ yeah right - joji xxx

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▶️ yeah right - joji
xxx. welcome to the rebellion


THEA WASTED NO TIME IN STORMING STRAIGHT TO THE END OF THE TRAIN. Calls echoed down the halls behind her, particularly Soline seeing as she somehow ruined the woman's perfect Quarter Quell. Everyone was already on-edge as it is, they didn't need Soline up their asses every three minutes. Dennis had extinguished the situation relatively quickly as he announced to the Capitol woman, "You need to give her space. She's getting thrown back into the Capitol scene, she needs a little time," he raised a brow as everyone nodded in agreement. Soline, however, just tutted and rolled her eyes carelessly. This earned a scoff from Finnick as he upped and left, "I'll go talk to her," he voiced before sauntering to the end of the train to find the girl.

As per usual, the doors whooshed open to reveal the burnt-out fiery girl. Her hair had seemingly dulled over the past couple years and her eyes were only ever filled with water. "What?" her voice broke. She had no idea who it was, she guessed Finnick because he always turned up at times like this. And to her dismay, it was. She wasn't in the mood to see him, yet she let him stay.

"Just came to check on you," he hummed, positioning himself parallel to the girl on the couch. "Well, I'm fine," Thea's body curled in on itself as a soft smile painted her face. She observed and scrutinized how he let his arm rest casually on the velvet furnishing. His eyes were diamonds, piercing into her own and his voice was silvery and soft.

"You're never fine. Even when you are, there's a small part of you that isn't. So, talk to me," Finnick offered up. He wasn't wrong. He seemed to know Thea almost too well. It scared her, because that was one more person she'd have to look out for, one more person she'd have to kill, one more person who she had to trust. And she did, Thea trusted Finnick. "It's just knowing that I'd end up in here anyway and Soline celebrating that really pissed me off," she buried her head in her arms as the boy pondered. "Diana was going to volunteer, I saw," he didn't exactly know what to say because he knew she was right, she was going to end up in the arena. No matter what.
"You think I would've let her? Any of them?" Thea cried out but no tears fell. A shaky sigh left her body as her body turned to Finnick's. "If it comes down to you and me in that arena, I want you to win," there was no doubt in her voice, no hesitation. Everything from her mind to her heart told her that Finnick would win. He deserved to.
"No, Thea. You need to quit it-"
"Quit what?" she laughed. "Having faith? Wanting the best for you?" her eyes lost their affliction, their hardness. She was being raw, she was telling the truth. Finnick didn't have any words, because that's exactly what she was doing. "Quit saying that there ain't a chance we can make it out of there together!" he found himself yelling, and Thea found herself not engaging.

"Look, you deserve to win. You're a better person than I ever could be. You're kind and you're generous. You put others before yourself something I could never do and that's why you should be the one to go home. You deserve it,"
What Thea doesn't realize is that she has grown to be this exact person and everyone but her can see it.

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 / the hunger games -ᶠ.ᵒWhere stories live. Discover now