𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢. 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥

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▶️ apocalypse - cigarettes after sex

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▶️ apocalypse - cigarettes after sex



THEA HAD VOLUNTARILY WOKEN UP EARLY, FOR ONCE. She stood on the balcony of her level, overlooking the city with her mighty gaze; it could penetrate through walls and windows would shatter. Thea smiled at the feeling of the wind dancing through her hair, the chill that brought pulses through her body.

She hadn't felt this calm in years.

The sky was calm— dark, though calm. It wasn't an intimidating pitch black. It had hints of browns and blues swirling amongst its abyss as the silhouette of Panem outlined the dark beauty. It smelled cold— it was bitter, yet fresh and numbing all the same.

It wasn't long before somebody joined her up on the balcony. The quite loud Jasper Dennis coughed and hacked and wheezed his way to the balcony— the typical morning sounds. "Hey kid," he rasped, followed by a flurry of unearthly sounds originating from lord knows where. "Hey," she smiled. Dennis noted her quietness, "Why you up here so early?" he raised a brow, letting his arms rest on the titanium pole which ran around the perimeter of the balcony. "Oh uh- I just needed some time to think before assessments. Before I get pressure from everyone around me," she was pensive, not really wanting to talk to Dennis but he was here. And she didn't want to start any shit. "You'll be fine. There's no doubt about it that you'll be getting another 12. You're the deadliest tribute going into that arena and everyone knows it," he shook her shoulder, earning a tired laugh from the girl but she was really not having it. She didn't know why. She didn't know where her motivation went, her fire, her intensity.

A part of her just didn't want to fight at all.

"There's a meeting later today, right after assessments, so you and Odair can meet me here straight after and we can go," Dennis voiced, patting her shoulder supportively before retreating inside. Thea didn't want to go to assessments. She didn't want to go to meetings and she didn't want to be part of a rebellion where there was almost a ninety-nine percent chance of death. Thea wanted to be home. She wanted to be with her little brother, and her mother and Finnick, living undisturbed.

But that would most definitely never happen.


SEATED BESIDE FINNICK, THEA GLANCED OVER AT ALL THE OTHER TRIBUTES, WAITING FOR THEIR NAME TO BE CALLED. With every new tribute called out, Finnick laughed. There was no telling why. He was probably just psychotic and slowly losing his marbles. Thea had nowhere near a similar reaction— she was steady. Her eyes fixed to the wall ahead of her, knowing exactly what she was going to do. "You ready?" Finnick spared the girl a look to which she nodded hesitantly, robotically. There wasn't a change in her expression, only concentration was visible.

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