𝐱𝐯𝐢. 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝.

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▶️ survivors guilt - dave

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▶️ survivors guilt - dave



STEPPING OFF THAT TRAIN WAS PROBABLY THE most euphoric thing Thea had felt in weeks. The ocean breeze had immediately started to brush through her hair in tousled up-drafts; it came in playful waves, washing over her with the salty essence she grew to love. Exhaling, she smiled. She just took in District Four as it was as the rest of her team had exited behind her, looking at the girl with an array of looks: impatience, admiration, awe, perplexity. Finally.

The girl ran onto the platform, her arms out as the sun darted onto her skin; it was like the girl was rubbing in the rays of light that hit her body. Her hands ran through her hair and onto her skin; Thea then turned to her team, beaming as the salted air ravelled and looped around her skin. Soline struggled to open her frilly fuschia parasol "I think she's a bit excited to be here, wouldn't you agree?" she shook her head, really wrestling with the object. Finnick breathed out a laugh, seeing how the life had just re-entered her. "With good reason," he breathed, unable to take his eyes off her. Maybe she wouldn't need to pretend she wanted to be there?

With Soline finally opening her parasol, she staggered over to the girl, ushering for her to walk. The five of them ambled around the corner of the station, immediately being greeted with the crowd of District Four citizens who roared, cheered, cried. The crowd had a life of its own, the mute-coloured shone in the sweltering light and the people moved like enchanting shoals of fish. Seeing men, women and children wave with excitement to their new victor stirred something in Thea. She had proven herself. She had made her district proud. And so with her pride inflating to that of before the games, Thea smiled into the crowds, waving at the various people who shared that same pride. A laugh even escaped her lips as a little girl threw her a rose from where she was standing in the midst of the feverish crowd. Thea went to pick it up before holding it to the sky like a torch, laughing in triumph as she cheered along with the crowd.

Her eyes scanned the crowd, looking for three specific people. And she could see none of them.


ONCE THE HOMECOMING FOOTAGE HAD BEEN shot with the girl waving to the crowds in Four, Thea marched out of there, still feeling the exhilarating buzz of energy she had earned from the cheers. Hearing intense panting and trotting behind her, she whipped her head around, seeing Cicero hold his hat over his face. "My dear, I hope it's alright if I join you. I need some inspiration for your tour outfits and so I thought I could see where the beautiful Thea Spencer came to be?" still marching, Thea nodded, her face flustered, "Uh- yeah, sure, whatever," worry arose in the girl, but perhaps they couldn't make it? I'm overthinking. Snap out of it. They're fine.

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