𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐢. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞

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▶️ powerful - major lazer, ellie goulding, tarrus riley

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▶️ powerful - major lazer, ellie goulding, tarrus riley



AFTER THE MEETING THE TRIBUTES WERE USHERED TO THE TRIBUTES CENTER. The parade was due to begin shortly and Thea wanted to start her endeavors in making Katniss and Peeta uncomfortable in her presence relatively quickly.

She stood by her chariot, feeding the horses sugar cubes as a certain shirtless man approached her. "Thea," his lip curled suggestively as the girl tried to pay no mind to his golden toned abs- and other things... Finnick wasn't as controlled as he just gawked at the redhead and how otherworldly she presented. "You look beautiful," was all he could get out. His words sent pulses down Thea's spine, urging her to turn to him and once she did, she felt her lips form a small smile.
"You look great, but you're just shirtless so that basically doesn't even count as styling you," her eyes were transfixed onto his face because she didn't want to draw any attention to the fact she wanted to ogle at his abs all day.
The two just stood. Gazing. Admiring.

In Finnick's line of sight, behind the girl he caught a glimpse of Katniss. "They're here," he muttered, grabbing a couple sugar cubes off Thea. The girl had tried to decipher where Peeta was and once she saw him, there was an unspoken agreement between the two that Finnick would go to Katniss and Thea would talk to Peeta.

The boy seemed unknowing so Thea had to play it off like she had accidentally ran into the boy. "Oh, Peeta, hey. Pleasure to see you again," she laughed, straightening out her dress, getting into character. Her smile was seductive in a way as she looked him up and down. She knew he was only a kid, she had no intention of doing anything whatsoever, it just happened to be the easiest way to make somebody uncomfortable.
"Thea, you look amazing," he smiled genuinely at the redhead who just fed the horses.
"I could easily say the same about you, Mellark. Black looks good on you... you want one?" she held out her box of sugar cubes as she popped one into her mouth as easily as pills. He generously took a sugar cube and fed it to the horse.

Thea was dedicated to making him an ally, but it would be really fucking hard if it was awkward for her to make him feel awkward. Peeta seemed to catch sight of Finnick talking to Katniss. Evidently, some jealousy erupted in him seeing as he furrowed his brows upon noticing their interaction. "Oh, don't pay attention to him. He knows she's off limits. He just wants to be entertained. Gossip, things of the sort," Thea assured the boy nonchalantly but Peeta was smart. He seemed to catch on.
"And is that why you're here too?"

"Perhaps. Or I just like talking to you, Peeta. You're easy to talk to," Thea said, her tone reeking of seduction. Peeta raised his brow, rather surprised. "Really?" Thea nodded, biting her lip because she noted how close Finnick was getting to Katniss in the distance.
"I normally have to play nice when talking to people. Katniss for example," he sighed, feelings a certain level of trust being established right then and there. Thea could tell Peeta loved her, it was the act and the love story she didn't buy. What she saw was a boy from home hopelessly in love with a girl and he was presented with a life or death opportunity which brought them closer. Thea was kind of rooting for Peeta, there was no hiding it. He deserved someone who loved him as much as he did Katniss.
"That's just how she is. You need to push to get to know her a little better." Peeta informed Thea— so obviously he knew a little more about her than Thea insinuated before.
"You must really love her?" she jumped straight to it noticing how Katniss gawked at Finnick's abs. I mean who wouldn't? They were right there.  Golden. Toned. Teenage hormones practically soaring through the roof. Thea was in her position once.

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