𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐱. 𝐚 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧

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▶️ people- libianca

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▶️ people- libianca


TW: themes of depression and suicide


THEA HADN'T ANSWERED THE DOOR TO ANYONE in the last three months, which worried everyone except Dennis. The girl had even resorted to putting a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door but the wind decided to be a bitch one day and it blew away, never to be seen again. Thea had spent the majority of her time either in bed, staring at the ceiling or in the shower, staring at the glass. It brought her some peace of mind, though the fact people kept leaving notes and shit every day annoyed her.

If she ever felt like it, Thea would get them, and she would read them, and she would cry. So that's why she rarely ever retrieved them from her front door; she wouldn't cry because of the notes themselves, it was because she knew how shitty she was being, worrying everyone... But she couldn't help it. She couldn't help but feel like that, feel used and lied to. She just wanted to be happy again, that was the only thing Thea longed for. Thea had even thought about just going to the ocean and drowning herself just how she was meant to die in the games. But she couldn't, she wasn't ready. Thea was so tired of being tired, hence she thought it was only fair to take a brief intermission from life.

Finnick had left most of the notes which irked her; he didn't deserve to have the privilege of talking to her after telling Dennis something she told him in confidence. Of course, she never said he couldn't tell anyone, but based on the severity of the situation she figured he would've already gathered that. Even Dennis knew that it was fucked to tell him, which Thea appreciated and admired. But Finnick fucking Odair. She thought she had made progress with the boy, hell, they even kissed. And now he's spreading secrets like the blood on Thea's hands the day she found her family. No. Thea didn't just hate Finnick. She fucking loathed him, spited him with every bone in her body, every breath of oxygen. At first, Thea thought it was stupid, he told Dennis that Snow asked her to sell herself and she said no. But it wasn't what he said, it was how easily he told him. Thea feared that if she had said anything else, something worse, he wouldn't hesitate to tell not only Dennis, but everyone that has a connection to Thea.

Maybe I'm overreacting? Maybe it's because I know that in the end I did end up selling myself? Either way, Odair had no place to tell Dennis. That's why the majority of his letters he sent the girl went without being opened. She opened a few of them when she felt like ti but for the most part they sat on her nightstand. The ones she has read were normally like "we are here for you, Thea", "it's gonna be okay", and all that bullshit that she never fed into. More recently, he started to get more agitated with her isolation as he's started to say things like "this is getting ridiculous, Thea" or "you are not the only one with issues". Those ones really pissed Thea off, giving her all the more reason to dismiss Finnick and block her out of her life, well... forever, at this rate.

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 / the hunger games -ᶠ.ᵒWhere stories live. Discover now