i𝐱. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫

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▶ when the sun hits - slowdive

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▶ when the sun hits - slowdive


TO SAY THAT FINNICK WAS NOT surprised in the slightest when Thea swam to the Cornucopia against his clear desire for her not to would be an understatement. "She's fucking crazy, I specifically told her not to go because it's a bloodbath," Finnick balled his hands into fists as he sunk into his chair parallel from Diana. "Sweetie, she's fine, and if anything the real danger of the bloodbath is Thea herself. You nor her have nothing to worry about," she placed a gentle hand on the boy's forearm. He knew she would be fine. Of course she would be fine, she's Thea. But for some reason he's been so on-edge about every move the girl made whilst in the arena.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm so worked up, you know, I know she'll be absolutely fine and I am confident she will win but..." his hand itched the back of his neck, somewhere between embarrassed and stressed. Diana sighed a laugh, smiling at the boy. She tilted her head giving him knowing eyes, "I think you and I both know why you're like this, Finnick," he furrowed his brows at what the woman was implying but deep down he knew what she meant. And he didn't know how to feel about it.


THE NIGHT HAD PASSED AS QUICKLY AS IT CAME, and the Careers started to pack up their camp. The morning sun had washed away any and all traces of the continually funereal clouds that buzzed through the skies. It was odd considering they did look pretty heavy with pent up anger that was to be released through splitting droplets of rain and hail. "So we know that we are at the Eastern part of the Cornucopia, and logically, people would camp west as that's where the sun sets. So they probably went that direction, in hopes of getting the last light of day," Thea remembered something Dennis said during their classroom training days, and it was that the smarter tributes camp West for more light. But the problem was that after the first day everyone would be pretty frantic about finding somewhere safe so they just ran in the direction opposite from the Cornucopia's mouth. Which was not west, so Dennis' logic right now was looking pretty fucking useless.

"That may be true but I don't think people are smart enough to actually think of that. They'd try to find water so people might still be camping at the Cornucopia," Ambrose proposed, sliding his newly-sharpened throwing-knives back into their sheathes. Sage agreed, figuring it was best to pitch-in. "Yeah, I saw we keep heading North and look for water because we can't just go off the dirty lake water," Ambrose nodded and Amethyst also agreed, groaning.

"What's wrong with you?" Achilles furrowed his brows as only focused on the girl's hair which was the main source of her anger. "Well, the ruins have ruined my hair and I don't think I continue on like this," her hair had ash and rubble weaved into the strands that were matted. The ones that stayed in perfect waves were the ones that fell closest to her neck. "You hear that, Snow?! Our dear friend needs some hairspray, someone please sponsor us!" Achilles roared to the sky, earning a shove and a glare from the girl. She originally took her hair out so she could let nature give it natural volume but the only volume she had was when she woke up screaming after finding a scorpion in her hair.

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