i𝐢𝐱. 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐦

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▶️ teenage fever - drake

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▶️ teenage fever - drake



THE GAMES WERE TODAY. Thea couldn't help but wake up with a smile on her face. Yeah, sure, for the last few days she's been an emotional wreck. But that was only the buildup to the games. People could finally watch her on screen, annihilating everyone whilst saying "Oh! I underestimated her!". So yeah, Thea was nothing short of excited.

Sage was terrified of everything. Even when Soline laughs he starts to burst out crying. He was mostly scared of Thea and how she literally walked to the dining table with a huge fucking smile on her face. "Don't look so sad, Thea," Finnick snorted, knowing the girl was really excited to start killing people. How fun! "No it's just that I've waited my whole life for this moment and it's becoming realer by the minute," she clapped like an eager Soline before sitting down and loading her plate with fruits and protein. Thea was ready.

"Okay, so this is the last time all of us will be together because at around nine Sage and I are heading down," Diana nodded, looking between both Sage and Thea. Knowing that either one or both of them will die in the next two weeks. The woman almost shed a tear at the thought, but Cicero who sat beside her patted her eye dry violently with a napkin. Thea would miss this dynamic: Diana as the mother, Cicero as the clinically insane uncle, Sage as the terrified little brother (even though he is older than the girl), Thea's prep team as the cousins who aren't actually related to you but you call them "cousin" anyways, and Finnick as- "Oh dearie me! You best be going!" Soline gasped at the time, ushering everybody out of their chairs and out of the door.


THEA STOOD BESIDE FINNICK IN the elevator as he listed off everything she had to know before she was taken to arena. "They put all kinds of stuff right in the front, right in the mouth of the Cornucopia. Usually the deadlier weapons like the bows and spears-

Thea took it upon herself to ask him a question because she was helpful like that, "Tridents?" she looked at the boy expectantly while he looked at her, surprised she even asked a question. "Because in previous games they haven't put tridents in the Cornucopia so I figured it would be helpful to know what to look for, you know?" her eyes scanned his face for any answers but all he did was nod with a smile on his face. "I mean, yeah, they might put a trident considering they had one in the training centre, but they might not because I got mine from a sponsor and that might not change anything," Thea nodded, reminding herself to get to a spear before looking for any other weapons.

But Finnick had to burst her bubble, "Don't go there," she whipped her head around at his words. "Why the fuck not? I'm fast, I'm a Career and I will most definitely make it out of there alive," Finnick knew she wouldn't listen, but he figured it was better to be safe than sorry. "The bloodbath is where the majority of the tributes die. But if you're so confident then please, by all means, go to the Cornucopia," a stern look replaced his relaxed one as he studied the girl, silently pleading she wouldn't go to the Cornucopia.

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