𝐱i𝐯. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬

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▶️ grace - jeff buckley

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▶️ grace - jeff buckley

xiv. the revenge dress


WAKING UP TO THE HARSH LIGHTS of the Capitol hospital room wasn't something Thea wanted to wake up to. They burned into her eyes, making her wonder how she even slept with them on. Thea felt like shit. She felt pumped full of chemicals and meds that worsened how she felt in the arena. Her throat had felt like a desert, desperate for water to wash away the drought that had formed in her body. Turning over her hands, she noticed two cotton bandages wrapped around the lacs on her palms. The pain was still there but it wasn't as bad as the headache from the fucking lights. She reached her hand to her neck, feeling the necklace that Alex gave her was no longer clasped to her neck. Worry struck her like a bolt of lightning before she looked over to her arms. Tubes and such stuck out of her as if they were branches on a tree; they extended to multiple IV bags and chemicals.

The girl looked around, looking for some sort of help button, but because she was in the Capitol, there was most likely no help button because nobody seems to be helping. As if hearing Thea's wishes, someone opened the door on cue. Who the fuck can that be? They better be here to turn off the fucking lights. Opening her eyes to a squint, the redhead made out four figures in her room, each with different expressions across their faces. A perky woman, her hair and outfit coloured in a pasty teal that seemed to be much worse than the lights in the room; Soline. Another woman, her hair dark like the night a smile much more comforting and welcoming than it; Diana. A man; his hair trimmed into a wacky side poof with a top-hat perched on top of it; his makeup was dingy yet somehow comparable to Soline's attire. Cicero. And a boy, he was District Four personified, his hair sandy though his eyes were deep. They held an expression of concern and worry but a small smile graced his face. Finnick. Fucking. Odair.

That's when all hell broke loose.

"Oh, dearie you did it!"

"My little seashell you're now my little crab, wait no-

"You should've seen-"

"You are going to be drowned in riches, my dear,"

At the clapping and clambering of the two Capitol citizens, Thea winced and her breathing grew laboured. Her eyes darted all around the room, desperate for something to just take them away. Thea grabbed the plastic cup from her side table and threw it at the two, trying desperately to reach for them and just cut out their tongues. "Get them out! GET THEM OUT!" Thea hated feeling vulnerable, but she was so tired and so sick that she couldn't deal with their obnoxiously gregarious personalities. The clatter of the cup had scared Soline, causing her to jump back so its contents didn't spill onto her, and Cicero was highly offended at the action, scoffing. Diana ushered the two out immediately and Finnick held her shoulders down gently whilst she tried to fight against the restraints placed around her wrists. "Thea, shh, you're fine. Okay? You're safe," she eventually calmed down, breaking down in tears yet again. Thea wasn't mentally stable, and Finnick feared that she never may be again.

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 / the hunger games -ᶠ.ᵒWhere stories live. Discover now