𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐱. 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭...

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▶️ wicked game - chris isaak

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▶️ wicked game - chris isaak



THE DAY HAD COME. The announcement for the Quell was today and everybody was on edge. Everybody. Victors and citizens alike. Thea had gone day drinking with Dennis the day before and they had a really vivid conversation about how Dennis managed to attend another orgy at the victory party the other night. Thea was taken aback and obviously she had one lingering question "Does Diana know?" her eyes widened with a laugh. And Dennis snorted like it was a stupid question... it wasn't. But Thea began to question whether it was. The man, without hesitancy, revealed "Diana suggested we go,"

Thea's jaw dropped, to say the least.

So hungover, and still questioning that entire conversation from yesterday, Thea managed to locate a few pills, god knows what they do, and swallowed them with a leftover shot. The girl's eyes fixed onto her clock and at that, they widened in the realization that she was going to be late.

Finnick and Thea had arranged to watch the Quell announcement together because that was their thing now apparently? Watching the games and announcements to do with the games. It's sad, really.

So the girl stumbled over furniture as she bolted out of the door and into Finnick's. "Did I miss it?!" she yelled into there house, hurrying to his living room to find him with a rope in his lap. The girl plopped herself right beside him and rested her head on his shoulder. "What's the rope for?" she picked it up and examined it, scrutinized it. "I was just waiting for you," Finnick smiled,  turning up the volume on the television. He reached for his rope but in doing so, he managed to interlock his hands with Thea's. The girl tensed at the motion but she soon relaxed upon noticing that Finnick didn't seem too bothered.

Snow's pretentious, prick-y, saggy face had tainted the screen with his perversion. He stood tall, behind his godforsaken podium. "He makes me want to throw up," the redhead shared, as a joke but it was most definitely true. Finnick rubbed circles on her hand with his thumb with a small laugh "I know, Max told me he heard you retching the other day," he looked over to his friend who smiled at the shitty memory. She hated when Snow would visit, it caused her skin to melt off her flesh and it made her want to twist her organs like a shoelace and yank them from her body.

"When the laws of the games were laid out, they dictated that every twenty-five years the anniversary would be marked by a Quarter Quell. It would call for a glorified version of the games to make fresh the memory of those killed by the district's rebellion," Snow's voice boomed over the TV as the two sat, listening to him address the Capitol in all of his disgustingly rich pride.
He then went over the history of the quell as he did twenty five years ago.

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