𝐱𝐱𝐢. 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐬

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▶️ obsessed - mariah carey

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▶️ obsessed - mariah carey


tw: mentions of underage prostitution and EDs

THE TRAIN RIDE BACK TO FOUR WAS almost therapeutic as she passed the menacing trees of Seven and the mountains that ringed around the Capitol. Thea sat alone in the last cart, gathering her thoughts. She had to talk about Sage in the speech, and she knew Finnick and Soline wouldn't be happy if she ditched the cards... again. But it felt wrong if she didn't use her own words. Thea knew it would be the same speech she had given these last few days, just altered to fit her home district.

Snapping her out of her thoughts was Finnick. She already knew what he was here for and she held her hand out. He seemed taken aback though he placed the cards in her palm, stopping to admire her. She kept her eyes fixated on the view outside the window. "You okay?" he asked, his brows furrowed. Thea slowly turned her head to face him. She shared a tight-lipped smile before nodding, "Yeah... Just excited to go home for about ten minutes before coming back to the Capitol," her voice was heavy with sarcasm, laced with longing. She wished to stay in Four, but the reality was that she is now a mentor, and she would always be on this fucking train, or training students at the academy. The rest of her life would surround the games and Thea hated it. "You'll be back before you know it," his lip curled upwards into what appeared to be an attempt at a smile. He shoved his hands in his pockets before retreating into the whooshing door. Thea didn't know where she stood with Finnick. She didn't want to forgive him but her subconscious was urging her to do so. Thea hated it. First he was snappy with her, cold and aloof and now he's trying to rekindle whatever remnants of their friendship they had left. She couldn't understand how someone could be so bipolar.


STEPPING OFF THE TRAIN FOR WHAT FELT LIKE the hundredth time, Thea inhaled District Four in all that it was, feeling the salt and the fish fill the air. The smell never got old and that's what she loved about it; you could be gone for days, months, decades and never get bored of the smell. It just brought her so many memories and you know what else brought her memories? Being guided to the same Peacekeeper vehicle for the twelfth time, sitting between Cicero and Dennis. Thea looked at her cards, reading through the content. It was a solid speech, though it wasn't as personal as Thea thought it would've been. It really just talks about their performances as a whole with the same gratitude towards the Capitol. Thea would definitely... get inspiration from it, but she wouldn't read the words verbatim.

The car ride was short and before she knew it, she was at the Justice Building with the familiar ropes and shells hanging around the room as decor. Everything felt so sped up for her, time really flew because moments ago she was on the train and now she is standing before the two double doors that haunted her memories. The chattering of Diana and Dennis hung in the air as their laughs filled Thea's ears. Soline conversed with Cicero, talking about Thea's outfit for the Presidential Palace. Finnick sat alone with his thoughts, his head in his hands, probably tired. Nobody has gotten any sufficient sleep lately... by nobody, I mean the Victors.
Soline, Cicero and Thea's prep-team slept beautifully, if anything. Must be the Capitol genes.

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