𝐱𝐢. 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐞

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▶️ fall in love with you - montel fish

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▶️ fall in love with you - montel fish



FEELING THE HEAT OF THE ARENA heighten, Thea and Sage were desperate to find a source of water that wasn't the Cornucopia, but they feared that it might be their only option. The ruins of rock and rubble crunched under Thea's shoes as her limp slightly improved from when they first headed out of the forest. She could only imagine what Achilles and Ambrose were plotting to do with her once they met again. Torture her? Or just immediately kill the girl so she didn't have a chance to put up a fight? Whatever it was, Thea was ready.

Catching both of their attentions, a melodramatic explosion of orange transpired from all around the arena. The forest has been tinder dry for days, every fallen piece of wood bleached and dehydrated, almost as good as scattered kerosene; it was almost certain it would catch fire eventually but it just rained, which convinced Thea it was almost certainly the game-maker's doing. Now, the wildfires raged, sending billows of black smoke into the sky and giving the arena a sun of blood and fumes the colour of asphalt.

"Where are we even going? We can't just keep walking until they all die out, we need to find shelter o-or water, food! We need food! The stuff we took from the Careers won't last us the night and there are fires! Meaning people will start to evacuate the-" Sage rambled, stopping to face the girl with a serious look. She nodded, knowing he was right but of course, Thea didn't want to admit it. Like a lot of things in her life. "Yeah, I know, that's why we are walking towards the Cornucopia because sooner or later they will have a feast, which is just another tactic used by the game-makers to lure the tributes in when a game is going slowly. And I'm pretty sure everyone can agree that this game is indeed going very slowly. And as for the fires, people will try to stay relatively close to the edges of the arena, okay?" Thea smiled, continuing to walk slightly ahead of the boy, despite not one-hundred percent certain that she was heading in the direction of the Cornucopia. Sage nodded, convincing himself that they would be fine.

"Plus, we will find food before then, you can eat scorpions, you know? You just need to cut off the-" Sage was pretty happy that he practiced the survival stations in the tribute centre. He remembered talking to the tributes from Three and they told him that you can virtually eat anything in any terrain as long as you remove any thorns, spikes or leaves (of course, depending on the food itself). So here he was, happily rambling about cutting off a scorpion's spike, but before he could start talking about skinning iguanas, Thea had yanked the boy's arm, urging him to run. Behind her, she could hear what sounded like a swarm of bees carried by the wind when in reality it was the biggest fucking sandstorm she had ever seen used in the games.

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 / the hunger games -ᶠ.ᵒWhere stories live. Discover now