Mushitarō vs Karl

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(A/N: I just wanted to write some crack for whatever reason. Without further ado, enjoy!)

Ranpo: *shows up at Poe's house and knocks on the door*

Poe: Ranpo! Hi! *grins and gives Ranpo the latest novel he'd written*

Ranpo: Hi! *smiles back, sits on the couch, takes the book, beginning to read it*

Poe: *sits next to Ranpo*

Ranpo: *reads the book, feeling confused as he does so*

Poe: *notices and gets a bit worried*

Ranpo: *finishes the book a lot slower than usual* ...the murderer was *insert character*.

Poe: Yep! *looks at Ranpo closer* are you ok?

Ranpo: *grins* Yep! Never better.

Poe: *doesn't seem convinced*

Ranpo: ...Ok, maybe I haven't been feeling the best lately.

Poe: *puts a hand on Ranpo's forehead* Oh no, you're sick!

Ranpo: No, I'm not. *sneezes*

Poe: Yes, you are. *picks up Ranpo and puts him in his room* Now, you need to rest.

Ranpo: But Poe...

Poe: No buts. You're resting until you feel better.

Ranpo: But I don't want to.

Poe: *stares at Ranpo* You have to.

Ranpo: Fiiiiiiiinnnneeee...

Poe: *pats Ranpo's arm* Let me know if you need anything.

Ranpo: I will...

Poe: *heads back out to the living room and then comes to the realization that he's probably going to need some help and calls Mushitarō*

Mushitarō: *answers* What is it, you angst lord?

Poe: I'm not an angst lord.

Mushitarō: Yeah, you are.

Poe: ... *thinks: why would anyone ever think I'm an angst lord?*

Mushitarō: Anyways, what is it?

Poe: Ranpo's sick and I might need some help taking care of him and Karl.

Mushitarō: Alright, I'll be over there soon. *thinks: who's Karl?*

Poe: Great, thanks!

Mushitarō: Mhm. *hangs up and soon arrives at Poe's house*

Poe: *gives Karl to Mushitarō* Here, keep an eye on Karl. I need to go check on Ranpo.

Mushitarō: Alright... *takes Karl, eyeing him*

Karl: *stares at Mushitarō*

Mushitarō: *thinks: hopefully this critter doesn't scratch me or anything*

Karl: *hisses*

Mushitarō: What did I do?!

Karl: *hisses more*

Mushitarō: What is it, you little creature?!

Karl: *keeps hissing*

Poe: *goes over to check on Ranpo, walking into the room* You ok, Ranpo?

Ranpo: love...I'm very extremely horrendously sick and I'm gonna die a slow and painful death. Can you help me write out my will? You get my marble and most of my snacks. Karl and Mushitarō also get some of them, and Yosano gets any medical bills I might have...

Poe: Ranpo, don't die on me... *sad*

Ranpo: Nah, I won't. Don't worry, I'm too awesome to die.

Poe: Yes, you are.

Ranpo: *grins*

Poe: *smiles back*

Meanwhile, Karl had decided to cause trouble because he didn't know Mushitarō and therefore didn't like him much. So he was now running throughout the house.

Mushitarō: *chasing after Karl* GET BACK HERE!!!!!

Karl: *stops, glares at Mushitarō, and then squeaks*

Mushitarō: Come on! I'm supposed to be taking care of you right now! I can't do that if you're running away!

Karl: *stands up on his hind legs, waves his paws around, and starts angrily squeaking at Mushitarō*

Mushitarō: You naughty little critter...

Karl: *keeps angrily squeaking and sticks his tongue out*

Poe: *walks into the room and freezes* Uh...what's going on here?

Mushitarō: Poe! Your crazy little pet hates me for some reason!

Poe: What? *looks at Karl* and he's not crazy.

Karl: *turns away from Mushitarō, sticks his tail in the air, and starts walking away*

Poe: *blinks in confusion*

Mushitarō: *sad face* What did I ever do to deserve this?

Poe: *pats Mushitarō's arm* I'm sure it's not because of you. Karl's just not the best with people he doesn't know.

Mushitarō: Cool, cool, got it...THEN WHY'D YOU ASK ME TO LOOK AFTER HIM?!

Poe: *slaps a hand over Mushitarō's mouth* Shhh, Ranpo's sleeping. And sorry, I just needed some help. I didn't expect Karl to react like this.

Mushitarō: *removes Poe's hand from his mouth* I see.

Poe: *picks up Karl*

Karl: *immediately cheers up*

Poe: Listen Karl, Mushitarō's not a bad guy. I asked him to help keep an eye on you since I was taking care of Ranpo.

Karl: *squeaks*

Poe: I know, I'm here now.

Karl: *relaxes*

Mushitarō: He looks innocent now...but he's actually the devil in disguise.

Poe: *shoots a glare at Mushitarō* No, he's not!

Mushitarō: *raises eyebrows*

Poe: As I've already told you, he just isn't the best around new people. That doesn't make him a devil.

Mushitarō: *shrugs*

Poe: *walks back over with Karl*

Karl: *glares at Mushitarō*

Mushitarō: See? He hates me!

Poe: Karl.

Karl: *looks up at Poe*

Poe: *pats Karl's head* Like I said, Mushitarō's not a bad guy and he won't hurt you.

Karl: *looks at Mushitarō again*

Mushitarō: *hesitantly reaches out and pets Karl*

Karl: *relaxes a little*

Poe: See? You just need to be patient with him.

Mushitarō: Kinda hard to do that when he decided to make me chase him throughout the house.

Poe: Fair. *strokes Karl's fur*

Karl: *relaxes more*

Ranpo: *walks into the room* What's all this racket?

Mushitarō: Oh hi, Ranpo. Poe's crazy little critter was causing some trouble for me.

Ranpo: Aw, man. I wish I could've seen that. *pouts*

Mushitarō: *scowls* I'm glad you didn't.

Poe: But don't worry! Karl seems to have calmed down though.

Karl: *squeaks as if agreeing*

Eventually, Karl and Mushitarō started to get along better and Ranpo recovered from his "deadly illness".

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