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Y/N pov:

The alarm sound resonated in my bedroom.

As I open my eyes, I see darkness scattered everywhere until a little ray of sunshine falls on my bed through the window.

I made my bed and opened the curtains,letting the sun kiss my skin.

As a thought of new day exploded with a new fear of how will it pass!

I brushed my teeths and now I'm doing the favourite thing I love to do in the morning.

Making TEA!

A sip of tea and you get a new kick to start your day.

But it depends on the measurement and for me it's little bit of tea with loads of milk.
I like that mixture as it tastes like heavens.

Giving a chef kiss and patting my own back,I took a quick bath.

After getting ready,I headed straight to my sweety parked dashingly in the area.

I reached the hospital as it's what my usual destination is.

Being a Doctor is a nice thought until you become one and see what sacrifices are!
What those sleepless night are!
What those self doubts are!
What pain is!
What is it to watch your loved one on the death bed!
When someone beggs you to save their valuable person.
When you loose a patient,you made a good bond with!
When someone trust you more than the word itself.
And when someone thinks you're not less than a GOD for saving lives.

It will all be worth it,when you start your profession as a DOCTOR.

Same was the feeling I had when I first treated a patient and the smile that lingered on her face was something unforgettable.

Today's a big day for me.
It's the day when I opened the door of this hospital for all who needed help.

The day I ran a hospital with my own blood,sweat and tears. Without my parents help.

It was difficult at first but as days passed I learnt the art of living with this dream of mine.


I called my granny since I promised her to grab a breakfast together in the hospital.

She was on her way. Until then I decided to check up on my patients.

From not so far I saw jimin chatting with a lady who I don't know what was doing here.

Mr.Park, could you come here? I asked him to meet me.

Having fun at work,Mr.Park? I interrogated him and he as usual gave me a smuggish smile.

No,sweetheart. I was just helpi---

How many times I told you to call me Dr. Choi or Dr.Yn when it's work time? Can't you keep it in mind Mr. Park? I don't want to loose my marbles on such a nice day but this man just makes me do so.

Sorry and yeah I will keep it in mind. Oh hey, granny. How are you doing? He asked and I turned back to see her standing their with bags.

I took the bags while jimin did the same as there were so many.

Seems like you bought the whole restaurant for breakfast. Jimin joked while granny laughed.

Come join us jiminah. She exclaimed and as if on cue he nodded his head.

This both are really something.

Time skipped---------->

I was so slumped with work as I saw it was 11 pm already.

I was indulged with so many events today.

The first thing I did after breakfast was to distribute the food I ordered for all my patients as it was a special occasion.

Then I had a talk with few of my colleagues for the development of the hospital and making it more helpful for the patient's convenience.

After that I did my lunch and had a bunch of files and signs which I had to go through.

Within a blink of an eye it's night which has bought darkness again.

While I stared at the window , I saw a shooting star.

I closed my eyes,joined my hands and wished for a healthy life to all the people living in this world.

After few minutes, I saw it was drizzling outside.

And then it completely rain all over. My eyes searched the room for a umbrella but couldn't find it.

Then suddenly my phone buzzed.
I saw the caller Id and got perplexed.
I answered the call and got up from my seat to fetch some tea!

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