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Y/N pov:

It was currently 10 am and all were busy with their work. The hospital was full of people passing by.

I was on my round to check on my patients. All were doing well so far.

While doing this I thought of asking my assistant to bring me a file of all the records of my patients.

I wanted to know about that old grumpy uncle who put me on a gun point.

Also I wanna visit that boy, because he is roaming in my head since the last sad good bye he did.

"Ow my poor rowoonie"- author

After being done with my work , I was waiting for that damn assistant of mine.

He always show up late whenever I call him for something important,jerk.

And as  I was cursing him in my mind for his late appearance, he was standing infront of my eyes without having the audacity to knock and ask for my permission to come inside.

Mannerless creature, he is!

You called me, babygirl? He said while moving his hands in his hairs and giving them a good shape while licking his lips.

Disgusting shit man....

First of all, I have told you thousands of time to call me Dr.Choi rather than all the useless names that you pronounce Mr.Park
Secondly,yes I called you and again you appeared to be late.
May I know the reason? I said all in one breath because I was trustfrated!

That's too much to answer. He replied and then again spoke while  taking seat infront of me, Well few interns were having difficulty,so I just helped them. That's a straightforward lie, but what else can I expect from him!

Am I a joke to you, PARK FUCKING JIMIN.......

Anyways just bring me the records of all the patients from the age group between 5-6 years. I said calmly, maintaining my posture and my mind from getting roast.

Why are you planning to adopt one of them?
I just gave him a serious look that says if you open your mouth once again I will slaughter you here itself with my bare hands.

He was processing all my words and said quick okay. And dashed from their with a speed of lightning.

Strange, he really got scared of my look.

Fine that's good , atleast I don't have to communicate further with that idiot.

Actually , we are best buddies from our college time so I let him call me anything he wants until it's in hospital. We have to maintain a discipline in here.

This place screams MATURITY,SINCERITY AND DISCIPLINE. And I think he doesn't have any of the above.


Since it's Friday, I have to visit my place today which I am always excited to.

Time passed by and currently it's lunch time. As I was heading to the canteen to buy me some lunch , I accidentally bumped into someone with something that spilled all over my white apron.

Noooo today's day is legit a disaster causing day.
First the gun thing now my pride , my apron is all drenched in coffee.

Fuck this shit!

But when my eyes met with the person that dropped this coffee on me, I was dazzled.

Can someone look this good in reality too?

Uncle han pov:

Rowwon my boy, are you angry on your uncle han? I asked as the boy spoke not even a word with me since the time he woke up.

I hate what you did last time. You scared her with the gun. She was being good with me uncle han. The boy pleaded and I saw how hurt he was.

What should I do now, inorder to bring a smile on my rowoon's face? I asked and saw him thinking something.

You apologise her when you meet her next time. And for now bring me banana milk please,uncle han. He said giggling.

Oh how much I love the sound of his giggles.

Fine, I will bring it right away. Btw, I've another suprise for you. You will love it when you see the gift. I said exiting the room as he made puppy eyes to make me spill the suprise.

Sorry but suprise is suprise.

Without wasting anymore time, I went to buy his favourite beverage.

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