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Y/N pov :

We were at the airport and my heart was running in an animalistic speed. It made me rethink my decision of running away unnanounce.
Am I really doing it right?

Haedo is tensed too. She might be thinking of the possibility of meeting her asshole husband face-to-face. And the consequences made her feel shitty.
In this period of her pregnancy,she should be kept happy instead of all the pain she's been through.

I'm tasting the biles in my mouth as the thought of jungkook reaching home and reading the note.

Hope that he understands what it means!!!!

They say it takes 5 secs to fall in love but it wouldn't take a sec to unlove someone who lied for years.
And knowing it's my father whom I loved the most,it hurts like a fucking nuclear bomb has been exposed on you.
As if you're burning in the fire alive.
As if you're pushed from the tallest building, landing straight on the ground dead.

The announcement of our flight was heard and we gathered our luggage to align in the line.

Haedo pov :

Yn is sleeping beside me but I couldn't.

The thought of freedom is putting a heavy pressure on my shoulders.

A new beginning.
A fullstop to all the abuse I've went through these many years.
And knowing that I could welcome my baby in this world with peace,itself is making me cry happy tears.

The credit goes to yn.

Some says "A WOMAN IS ANOTHER WOMAN'S BIGGEST ENEMY,"however I will always remember yn and the sacrifice she did for me.

As a woman I would not lie about falling in love with my husband once but what he did was far more than still loving him and also watch him abuse me mentally or physically.

However I saw the exact same love in yn's eyes for jungkook and the note she wrote for him is an absolute proof.

Nobody can deny the fact about loving a person and letting them go needs so much of energy, will power and something that could help us get past those upcoming years where we've to survive alone,all by ourselves.

It's hard.
It's worst.
It's painstakingly critical.
But it's what life is.
It's not all rainbow and we've to meet the dark clouds someday even if we don't want to.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I suddenly felt a movement and then the most wonderful thing ever a mother experiences.


YN,get up fast. I screamed only to be met with a figure who scared the shit out of itself.

What happen is your husband in the plane? Where's that bastard? I'm definately gonna make him pee his pant-----

And I kept her palm on my bare stomach and her words halted.

Did you feel it? I ask happiness beaming in my voice.
She stayed quite whereas I started overthinking.
But when I made an eye contact with her, she was already in pool of tears.
Watching her cry made me cry to.

Can't blame the hormones though!!!!!!

His first ki----- and before she could complete her sentence realisation hit her hard on the head.

I told her I wanted to keep the gender of the baby hidden.
But it wasn't the complete truth.
I was scared because my dear husband gave me a death threat about killing the girl child if the doctor talks about the gender reveal,so to be on a safer side I asked the doctor to not disclose the gender.

I don't care if it's a girl or a boy, I'll be giving my child,my everything.

I kept my hand on hers and squeezed it,assuring her that it's okay and I don't mind about reveal.
Infact, I'm a bit sad as my baby boy will keep reminding me of his appa if he resembles him!!!!
Which he'll definately doo.
The JEON'S GENES are too dominant.
Unlike my husband, Jungkook resembles just like his own father.
Thinking about him,it saddens me even more as I'm the one responsible for distancing him from the love of his life.

You should take a rest now, I'll wake you up when it's time to visit our new home.

Her words comforts me more than anything.

As I close my eyes the tiredness engulfs me into a sweet dream.
I hope everything goes okay!!!!!!!!

Y/n pov :

I dialed granny's number, contemplating whether to ask her meet me at the airport or directly at her house.
I won't trouble her so her house sounds good to me.

She answered the call and I got to know she's already waiting for us at the airport.
This lady has all my heart.

I woke haedo up and we walked until we could find granny smiling widely in our direction.
Pulling us both into bone crashing hug.
I could sense the relief flooding from all of our bodies.

We reached home while haedo insisted if she could cook us some brunch.

I can't dare to say NO!!!!!!!
Granny,Haedoah cooks like heaven!!!!!!!!!!!! I shouted,leading towards the bathroom door.

As soon as the shower sprinkled it's droplets on my body,I cried.
I cried until my eyes turned red.
I cried until there wasn't any oxygen left in my lungs.
I cried until I could barely recognise my surrounding.
I cried until the tears stopped following from my orbs.
I cried until I lost all my energy,power and HOPE.

HOPE of everything to be fine.

There's this unbearable pain in my chest which might collapse the beating organ who has lost one of the most precious person he could ever lay his eyes on!!!!

The person who had the potential of making him beat as fast as the horses in the race.

The person who's light could brighten the entire universe.

The person whom I never thought could make me go on my knees and ugly cry as hard as possible.

The person I will and always admire from far until we could fall in love again!!!!

But maybe in the next life, I want the universe to give us a chance.

A chance to conquer the world.
A chance to watch our hairs turning grey.
A chance to call him mine.
A chance to be his forever love.
A chance to welcome our little ones for life.
A chance to take a walk together towards the end.

All I need, all I ask is just a
CHANCE !!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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