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Y/f/n pov:

I know whatever I'm about to do is the dumbest thing ever which I will definitely regret later.

But who cares though!

I bought a nice bouquet and red wine from the shop which took me thousand years to search and then finally purchase them.

I abash myself way to much.

I pressed the doorbell and kept fumbling with the bouquet in my hand.

It's such an idiotic thing to do in the morning.

Which is none other than meeting the person,you so badly want to ignore.

But I wear my heart on my sleeves.

It's now or never.

And the door opened with me still self talking in my mind.

Jesus Christ!
Holy shit!
What in the pathetic life of mine, am I watching such a beautiful view infront of me!

Taehyung not only looks pretty but too good for my eyes right now.

Because he's half naked, wearing only his track pant which is grey in colour.

And when my eyes travelled to the area which exterminate me,my breathing paused.

He looked like a Greek God!

I know he noticed where my eyes ventured.

Sorry to disturb your train of thoughts in your mind except if you take a moment and tell me your motive of standing infront of my doorstep,this early in the morning. Taehyung spoked almost sounding frustrated.

Is he always like this beside when he's with yn or his friend jungkook.
He's all smiley and lovey-dovey with the patients too.
Then what's the problem with me?

As you can see these bouquet and wine in my hand,it's for you as a thankyou for dropping me home last night. I mumbled and placed the thing in his hand. Turning to leave until he spoke again.

No need of this. It wasn't a favour but a responsibility I fulfilled. He completed while I notice blush creeping over his face.

He was blushingggggggg.....
Goddnesss what a blessed morning it is!
If my mornings becomes this good, I'm ready to walk that shop a hundred time.

Keep it as a thankyou gift Mr.Kim, please. Adding a please word always ends the situation the way you want it to.

He replied nothing however I did saw his mouth turning to form words.Anyhow is said nothing .He nodded and closed the door.

What an Asshole he is!
Didn't even had the audacity to ask me a glass of water or let alone allow me to enter his house.

He seriously needs some manners.

Being agitated by this simple act, I stormed towards yn's house ready to spill all the tea I created or moreover a mess I drew.

Jungkook pov:

All I could do is rue about it.

Sitting on my bed with the phone in my hand and the text sent my Michael make it more worse than ever.

I sense an ach in my heart. It feels like I no more have a heart that beats within my body.

I want to chug myself in the ground.

Betrayal is all I felt,again.

By those two individuals who were the people I loved to the moon and back.

How could a human destroy other human with such actions which better be illusions,fantasies rather than being a wicked,sour,cruel reality.

I taste the bitterness of bile on my tongue.
My skin grew painstakingly hot.
Something inside of me is boiling but I doubt if it's blood.

Because I think I'm dried of everything; blood,water, emotions.

Why would you do it hyung? Just why?
I thought we were the best brothers than why did you aim to stab me in my back?
Why did you send those men behind yn?
I want answers to my questions.
Yet I don't want to see his face.
I don't know if I can control myself and not bunch him as dead as possible.

When I read and reread that exact text it felt like someone is pulling my eyes from my sockets.

Text: Boss it was your brother who sent those men to not only attack Ms.Yn but to kill her and rowwon too.

I left the house and visited rowoon.
I need my boy beside me.
Loosing him from my life means loosing my breathe.

I can die for him but I can't live without him.

I reached the hospital in a haste and fastened my footsteps towards his room.

There was my boy watching Iron-man.
His eyes were focused on the T.V screen whereas mine were on him.

He didn't notice my presence until the advertisement made his on the T.V

Rowwon scrunched his nose on loosing the contact with the movie.

Kook,when did you came? He asked being baffled.
When my prince was watching the movie keenly that he failed to notice my presence. I teased him while making a little space for myself beside him on the bed.

I scooped him in my arms, giving a kiss on his forehead.

Is everything alright? He asked with those Bambi eyes.
He isn't a kid but an 80 year old grandpa who understands anything and everything.
Yepp. I lied but he made a face which said "come on dude spill it already".

Some issues in work although your kook will get through it. As you know how witty he is ! Plus he has rowoon by his side. I spoke hoping that would keep his nerves calm.

He nodded and gave me his bestest best smile.
He came closer to my face. Placed both his tiny hands on either side and planted a small peck on my forehead.

I might sound a little childish but it made me teary.
Nevertheless I tried not to shed a tear.

His warmth is all I need in this tough phase.
And he definitely know how to comfort others.
Which I don't know how?

Yniee told me to confront my feelings towards other and never hide them. So I did what felt right. He spoke with utmost sincerity.
His chubby cheeks raised with pride.
As determined as those eyes of his were.

And it made my heart race.
Yn really made him, uhm I couldn't form the right word but yeah.

She really is a great soul. And a good guardian too. She will make an outstanding mother in the future.

Oh wait, what am I even imagining.
Yn holding a baby while I watch her play with him.

She did the right thing and I must thank her for it. I exclaimed.

Kook,we should have dinner together. You,me and yn. He chirped and I nodded.

How can I say no to this beautiful baby.

Kook, I love you so, so ,so ,so, so much. Always remember that. He emphasised each 'so' with love oozing out of his eyes.
I love my prince even more than that.  I confessed and we continued watching the movie.
While I stroke his head and it soothed him.

As time passed rowoon drifted to sleep while I couldn't stop thinking of yn and the baby.
Then about my brother.

I made a quick call with Michael knowing exactly what I'm supposed to do.

Meanwhile  I also received a call from Taehyung.

Hey, tae what's up? Jungkook hollered.

Come at the regular bar where we met last time. Taehyung announced.

Ohk,I will be right their. Jungkook replied.

Saying so I end the call. And left the room in daze.
Why does he want to meet me at a bar on Sunday?
Which he never preferred as the day to drink!
Definitely something's fishy!

UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN !Where stories live. Discover now