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Jungkook pov:

I had my dinner and my stomach felt heavy. In order to digest the food,I thought of having a walk nearby.

It's breezy outside. It might be snowing too. I kept walking and suddenly I saw glimpse of yn.

She looked terrified. Then I noticed a few men were following her. It feels like they're about to attack her or something more horrible is going to happen.

The thought itself make me taste bile on my tongue.

I ran and followed them. It seems like they're  just trying to scare her.
Which they did for sure.

Lucky enough I saw them and yn is not alone.

But why is she out at this time?
This crazy woman knows ways to make my knees go weak within seconds.

I got ahead of them and grabbed yn's wrist. Bringing her in my arms protectively.

Y/N pov:

It was him and I swear to almighty,I felt so safe.

It's like my heart is back to it's place. Beating 72 times within a second.

I hugged him tightly as much as I can. I felt secured in his arms. The earlier incident made me sweat like a Tsunami.

It's okay hmm. I'm their now.No need to worry, sweet cheeks. I got you. His voice melted me right away.
His words soothed me.

I want time to stop so that this moment never ends.

This is what a PRECIOUS MOMENT is for me.


I don't think you want to spent the whole night here whilst hugging me ,isn't it? Their goes the cocky guy who loved to tease me.

Guess he still do.

I looked at him and wow it's already SNOWING.


A splendid combination.

Thank you for everything. I confessed which is not for rescuing me but for all the other things and he knows it very well.

He gave a short smile and intertwined our fingers with one another's hand.

I so badly blushed and thank goodness that it's dark so he can't see it.

We walked like how other normal couples did on the streets.

I saw a grandpa holding grandma's hand with so much of love and affection.
Feels like he will never let go of that hand until they turn into ashes.

I thought nobody would be on the street this late at night but guess what the whole world is wandering around the streets.

I looked at our tangled hands and felt a zoo in my stomach. My ears were all red.

It's too windy and the snow makes it more colder than before.

Unknowingly,warmth spread on my body as jungkook removed his sweater and draped it on me.

It's too cold,take it back. You will feel under the weather tomorrow. I said as my eyes filled with concern.

Don't worry, I'm wearing a sweater inside my shirt. So I don't need that back. He replied.

We reached the apartment and now it was time to seperate our ways.

I glanced at him and he was already looking at me. I could tell he wanted to not let go of me but he had no other option.

You know what jungkook,I had dinner at Granny's house where she told each one of us to tell about a precious moment. Everyone except me said about their own moments. When it was my turn I shoo them away. But to be honest, all the moments shared with you were precious.And those can't be shared because I simply don't know which one to pick and choose.

Sweet dreams JEON!

And I entered my house with woobly legs and inhumanely beating heart. I couldn't sleep a wink after that little confession.

But I don't regret doing it.

The memory of it keeps flashing at the back of my mind for more than a million times.

In the morning ------>

My dear friend appeared 6am in the morning to tell me she's hungry and want me to make something for her.

She came here after her nightship ended.

And couldn't stop complaining as to why I didn't told her that Taehyung was not in the nightship.

This friend of mine has lost her nuts so it's my moral duty to help her find them back as soon as possible being the "RESPONSIBLE FRIEND" I am.

I made her a quick breakfast and grabbed some cereals for me.

So,you want me to change your shift from night to day, only because you like TAEHYUNG? I asked her as I ate the cereals.

It's not like but love. She corrected me while I sit their being baffled.

And when this thing happened? I thought you didn't wanted to see his face due to the damage you caused and moreover you want to continue being a cardiologist? I can't believe whatever she is speaking.

Y/Naaaah! I will continue my job  only if you change my shift.
Pretty pleaseeeeeeeee. She pleaded and here we go again. This is a never ending saga.

I don't know seriously why should I do it? But since your precious moment was meeting me so I can let this pass this time.I exclaimed smiling ear to ear.

Whereas she started dancing in happiness.
Alright then I will hit the bed. Good night ynaah~~~~~~.

Yayyyyy! After waking me up,how could you go to sleep? I screamed in annoyance.

I went in my bedroom to see her already dose off.

I stared at her for a while.
You can do it y/f/n. You are finally willing to come out of your nightmare.
And I'm so,so,so much proud of you.

I put the blanket on her and closed the door.

I saw a notification on my phone and shit. It's a special day today.
How can I forget it.

I called the person as soon as I buckled the seatbelt and connected my phone to the car's Bluetooth.

HAPPPPPIESTTTTTTTTT BIRTHDAYYYYYYY JIMINIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I'm on my way to meet you. So dress up nicely. I hung up the call when he said a thank you.

I purchased a beautiful cake from Stohrer which is one of the famous cake shop in Paris.

Within few seconds I was at his doorstep. I pressed the doorbell.

And here comes our BIRTHDAY BOY.

He never had anyone except me to wish him a birthday.

But does he gives a flying fuck to that.
Nope,because he has ME.

UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN !Where stories live. Discover now