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Jungkook pov :

I pulled the brake near the club named OT-7.

I dragged my legs towards tae's direction and to my suprise jimin was also present their.

Looking at both of them it was sorted that they were tipsy and blabbering to one another in a gibberish language.

So I did what any other loyal friend will do!
I recorded their ted-talk in my phone to tease the hell out of them once they are sober.
Giggling to myself, I strode towards them.

Having fun,you two? I asked deliberately.

Tae looked at me and made a pouty face.

What's with him?
He's behaving so odd today!

Yes,hiccup junglebook.hiccup
Jimin hiccuped once again while finishing his two words sentence.

It's going to be a long night I guess.

I grabbed a seat and asked the bartender for a shot.

A sober mind can't handle their asses but a drunken will!

Suddenly I heard taehyung fake crying.
And jimin laughing at him.

These two!

What happened Tae? Why are you drinking on Sunday? You never liked drinking on Sundays. I spit out whatever was inside of me. I'm not a patient guy when comes to people close to me behaving in a different way than their usual behaviour.

Jungkookie it'

Okay! I understood nothing.
But all I can say is it's a matter of love.

And yn's face flashed infront of my eyes.
Maybe it's the alcohol that's playing with me.

I took another shot and then another and it went out of count.

Yeahhh hiccup jungoo, hiccup you know hiccup you hiccup are hiccup really hiccup very lucky hiccup because wait hiccup I forgot hiccup why you hiccup are lucky.

Does he not know my name properly or is it that he's drunk more than his height?

Thanks man, you're not less lucky than me. I returned the appreciation even though it wasn't needed.

We three were talking things which didn't make any sense.

Before coming here,there were plenty of serious matters flying in my mind. But it's all senseless now. The talk is not even 0.000007% serious.

These shots are of no use. I still feel all sober.

Whereas tae and jimin were now twerking on the beats played in the background.
They are completely wasted.
But why?
What must have happened?

If I need answers to my questions, then I must sober them.

With alot of hardwork, I succeeded putting both of them in the backseat of my car.

They both were sleeping soundly like a newborn baby.

I breathed through my nostrils and started the engine.

While I was driving peacefully, someone kept his hand on my shoulder scaring the shit out of me.

I need to micturate man,can't hold anymore. Jimin cried helplessly.

UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN !Where stories live. Discover now