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Jungkook pov:

The scene kept flashing infront of my eyes like a trending reel.
I wish those two are nothing but "just friends".
Wait,why would I even think about her!
Let her be friends with him or more than that.
Who cares? Not me definitely.
Then why the hell this idiot heart giving me a whole wave of sadness.

I looked around the surrounding and noticed it was the cafeteria.
I grabbed a black coffee which I hate the most. The taste itself make me vomit all my dear organs!

I took the elevator and reached the terrace for some fresh air.
When a person has no hopes in life he explores the world in search of it.

Peace being one of the biggest impossible task to be achieved.

I have been lonely quite a long time now. Attraction for me is as dull as those who've black lungs due to smoking.

However, when I look at her I feel a invisible pull. Which is so strong it's pretty hard to neglect. Her soft orbs reflects a golden line that provides serendipity.

Nevertheless I have my own reasons of not getting much involved in her as well as the matters she is indulged in.

Unknowingly the cup in my hand is empty. Moreover the loving tongue of mine has become a dead meat.
I am highly weepy about it.

I tried not to think about the incident and focused more on my little prince.
He is the sole reason for my existence and the unwanted approach in paris again.

Memories can't be erased completely but stored in a part which tends to return back even when you don't want it to be.

Such a cruel thing!
Worst than a devil itself.

Y/N pov:

I convinced jimin to take a day off and rest at home. Because even if he denies it a thousand times it's the best for him.

After the emotional breakdown he knows he can't face his father at the very moment.

Who can anyways!

I made a round and gave a quick visit to each and every patient.
The work ended leaving me famished.
Taking a turn to the cafeteria I saw Dr. Kim Taehyung. This time I remembered his name.

I wanted to thank him for the apron but the right time never came.
Also not forgetting the way he returned it to me.
He was on a verge of panic by looking at my furious grandma.

Thinking of grandma I made a mental note to stopover at her house tonight.
I need to apologise her sincerely. With great efforts of bringing her all the favourite food she is prohibited to eat.

This could certainly work!
I will make it work.
Yes that's the spirit!
Keep it up my girl!

Why does it sound like I am on a war or something.
It's just crazy me.
Don't mind me.

If anyone got the access of my mind he be dying listening to my antics!
That's better than suicide.
Atleast he be laughing hard in his last moments.

Okay let's keep death serious and treat him seriously.
Afterall we all will face him some or the other day.
Anyways let's get back to the cafeteria and the good looking man.

I gestured him to join me for a lunch for which he gladly smiled.
Ohk his smile is so livid.
And the way his lips curls and those whitish perfectly aligned teeths.
Above all those beautiful pearl like eyes with a good texture.
The tiny mole on his eyelid and nose.
He be looking like a damn Greek god.
Man show some mercy please!

Hello their Miss yn down to the earth.
You got nothing to do with this gentleman.
He is just a good spot to look over.
Don't even dare to fantasize about him. He's a good boy.

He might be having a girlfriend too.
A wife doesn't sound bad.
Even though he's handsome his behaviour is way more matured and well mannered.

He held the chair out for me to claim it. I contently accepted it.
He had ordered already so his plate was close to reach the finish line.
However I noticed the slow movements he took for me to keep the company for a longer time.
Such things can never go unnoticed by girls.
Especially if she's a neurosurgeon then theirs no chance.

I feel like breaking the silence.
Even though people say not to speak while eating it gets boring to just chew the food and gulp it.
I realised my appetite is greater than his.
What if he's on diet?
Yeah, to keep the body well maintained he have to do it.

Here we go again, focus yn.
Focus on the food and lesser on the meal infront of you.

Oh,stob it!

Thankyou for the other day,I said expecting a heartful welcome.

He showed me a confusing face instead.

Oh, I mean you returned the apron and I couldn't even greet you, I explained.

It's totally fine, afterall it was my mistake. No need to thank me. But anyways your welcome.

He replied with a boxy smile at the end.

Ahhhhhhh! What's wrong with me and this nonsense brain of mine.

I didn't said nothing since there was no need of words now. We continued eating our food in a comfortable silence only for him to break it.

Dr. Yn, have you seen jimin? I had some work with him.
He questioned only for me to get a bit sad.
But I immediately replace it with worry.

Actually, he had fewer. So I insisted him to rest at home. If it's important you can talk with me. I might help you, I said looking less interested because for a unknown reason I really wanted to do so.

Not for his handsome face but due to his kind nature.

He took a pause and nodded his head.

Since, I m in cardiology department I wanted to talk about my shift. Can I please get a Day shift? I asked all the other doctors but none wanted a change. I thought Jimin might be of some help.
He said being nervous with shaky legs. A sign that he's hiding something.
More like keeping things suppressed.

Due you by any chance have problem with the night shift colleagues?
I asked calmly.

He gave a nod which indicates no.

Then may I know the reason behind the sudden change of shift. According to me you are a really amazing doctor and treat patients affectionately.
I don't know why instead of saying a tiny yes I keep up the conversation leading nowhere.

He kept quiet, simply meaning he doesn't want to spill the tea.
Which is okay since it's not my work to invade his privacy.

Fine then, you don't have to speak about it. I will talk with the department and grant you a Day shift, only because you're worth it.
I got up and left before giving a tight smile. Excluding myself from the man to whom I shouldn't have said "worth it".
Considering what sense my words made for him.
Definitely it should come out as sincere as I want it to be.

While entering my cabin I thought of giving a visit to rowwonie hoping the big baby monster won't be present.

I need privacy with my little boy!

Only for that thought to be ruined mercilessly.

As I was about to open the door, it already got opened. Giving me a view of the not-so-gentle-soul.

Looking at me his eyes grew furious and a tempered Mr.Jeon was all I can see.
He dashed bumping his shoulder with mine.

Such a Childish Behaviour from a mature guy.
It's him what can I even expect. A 90°  bow ? Nah man that's never gonna happen.

Even though making me wonder why such a treatment is needed!
I should be the one doing so!

Hope he's fine. If not he definitely needs therapy. Just like me!

I further entered the room only to get a big suprise. Which I never thought could make me go insane.
My eyes sadden.
My eyes hurts.

My eyes are betraying me or is it the reality?

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