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Y/N pov:

Like a horse running a marathon, the same depiction was put forth by my granny.
But here the horse wasn't running to win instead it latches towards me to kill.

Maybe granny got to know one of my secrets.
The question remains, which one?

I ran for my dear life forgetting it was a legally build,peace maintaining,well built HOSPITAL.

Granny being in her 60s,dare to bolt as fast as lightening.

When I gave in the hopes of winning and accepted my defeat; I got pressed on a metal bar like thing.
Then I visualised someone holding me preciously.

Only for that not-so- thing like thing to actually drop me down mercilessly on the cold floor.

The RESPECT is all gone,which I tried my level best to keep at its peak.

People were watching me with some guilt and pitty whereas I stared at their lonely souls.

I tilted my head for a glimpse of the person with an uneven confidence of pushing me down from his embrace.

And I instantly fumed in anger.

I knew my days never start well but atleast don't make them worst.

It's him again.

The cocky, infamous JEON JUNGCOCK!

He smirked at me while I tried to make a heart joining both of the middle fingers from each hand.

What are we exactly doing?
No one knows!

I stand straight and here it goes.
Me wincing in pain due to the twisting and turning of my ear till it turns a shade darker than red.

Ahhhh! Granny it hurts. Just tell me the reason already. I said with a breathe in pain.

You promised to attain the session,yet had the courage to fool me! Do you imagine me as an MANIAC? She whispered yell.

For once if the almighty or whatever lands here, I am gonna beg him to make me invisible.

Currently all the people present here did listened the encounter taking place between me and my notorious granny or vice versa.

Granny, I didn't say I will attend the session. I remembered very well the words I enchanted were "WILL SEE!" I know m a SMARTASS.

Genuinely feeling sorry for making her fun,regret flashed on my face.
I mean I could have come up with a better explanation yet ended up with something trashy.

I felt a void and silence felt everywhere.
Taking a turn she disbursed into the surrounding.

I then eyed the only person who begun the humiliation in my own HOSPITAL.
Sending draggers through my orbs towards him.



I let these words make sense only in my mind and never to put them on the tongue.

Words cut sharper than a sword.

I might be a doctor but I can still talk nonsense.
Only those who are close to my organs knows about it.
That is me and my body!

Instead of saying a "sorry" he kept staring at me while standing like a Statue of Liberty.

I neglected him as if I never heard about E=mc²

I bet he might be shock as hell.
Well I m a clever fox and cunningness runs in my blood.
Damn me!

So what if people push you down,you gotta show them baby that their push never affected you from the beginning instead helped you climb Mount Everest.

And all the vulgar words will be dragged towards him!

Although he created a sin by pushing an angel on her ass HARSHLY.
Karma will soon hit on him.
Hope he gets the taste of his own medicine.

I entered rowoon's room to greet him a good morning.

But he was still asleep.

Awww, how cuteee he lookkkkkkkks!

I wanted to pinch those chubby cheeks but restricted myself for doing so.

I can't hurt my Baby!

Wait,what did I just said?
M-Y B-A-B-Y?

Gently guiding my hands soothingly on his forehead I tried not to earn a giggle out of my mouth.

He loved my touch.

Just like a motherly warmth.

Are we getting emotional?


Good morning,ynieee! He greeted me with eyes closed.
I laugh at it.
Why laughing? Did I crack a joke?But I just greeted you!he doubtfully chirped. Still being all squishy and pouty.
Aniyo(No), you're just cute and adorable and puffy and I wanna shower all my love on you.

Ok,was that a commitment.
Who cares!

Did you elaborate the phrase I LOVE YOU? he conquered.
An eerie laugh loose from my lips.
I keep that up to you, I said mischievously.
Btw,how long were you admitted in here? I asked deliberately changing the subject.

Because let's not tell the poor guy of me being head over heels for him.
The sole reason is he's cUt£.

Since the beginning of July. So altogether I have spent a whole month. Tbh before I met you, my decision was to go back home but now I deny it. He said with those sparkling eyes.

I am highly touched by these simple words.
Lord the feeling of being a reason of something to someone is truly affectionate.

Can I ask you one thing? I questioned him.
He showed me thumbs up because he's really very sleepy when just woke up.
What relation do you share with Mr.Je---and as if the devil itself wanted to show his face,he came on the perfect timing.

Rowoon,my little prin---and he became stoic.
If my view makes him a dead soul then let him be it.
What are YOU doing here? He asked furiously.
Excuse me, this property is owned by me.
He knows doesn't he?
And even if he's unaware, I don't give a flying fuck.

I continued playing the trick again which for some real reason pisses him off to an edge.

I kept quite,gave him one look and planted a kiss on rowoon's forehead.
Before unlocking the door and minding my own business.

I m savage, I know!
So don't put a show!
Infront of me Mr.Shallow!

Ignorance is the key of my success for now.

While entering the patients ward, I came across a sad jimin sitting nearby a empty chair.

Before checking up with my patients I made a visit towards him.

Seems like someone is not in a great mood! I tried to mock him.
Ani(no),he replied shortly without making any eye contact.
Head hung very low.

It means something is really bothering the not-so-poor-soul.
But being a matured him it will take some time for the guy to open up with me .

I took a chair beside him. Letting the doctor in the ward know I might come a little late for the daily round.
Sliding my phone in the pocket, I turned my focus on him.

Look Jimin, I know something is bothering you so just talk it out with me. I don't beat around the bush,I made myself clear.

I thought he took a deep breathe to finally let out the thing he is holding instead I came across a pair of eyes filled with tears all over his face.

That made me panic and I felt a pang in my heart.

This is going to be one hell of day already!

UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN !Where stories live. Discover now