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Y/N pov :

Omo,the couple look so beautiful already! Said his sister-in-law and engulfed me in a hug. While his brother fist bump him. I guess the dinner is going to be great.
Let's head inside. His brother chirped while JUNGKOOK wrapped his arms around my waist while whispering in my ear,"DON'T WORRY SWEETCHEEKS, I'M THEIR."

HE definately is not a GENTLEMAN.

We entered the house and it was spectacular. It was neat and tidy. Sister-in-law asked me to follow her in the kitchen.

I don't know about your favourite dishes yet so I made a variety of food. Btw you look beautiful with or without makeup. She remarked while I was amused looking at the quantity of food she made for us.

This is too much isn't it? You shouldn't have done this all alone at this stage. Have you reveal the gender yet? I asked while I touch her big belly carefully.

She smiled and caressed her bump. I didn't. I'm keeping it a suprise for myself. I feel it's a boy and what do you think? She questioned me and it made me chuckle.

While she caressed her bump I saw few bruised on her arm which was not covered properly through the makeup so it was visible to me.

It doesn't matter. Either girl or boy, both are precious to the mother. I exclaimed and she hummed.

I wanted to ask her about those bruises but felt like this is not a right time as it will make both of us awkward on our first meeting.

Let's continue our talk after we had our dinner. She said while we both went to the dinning area.

I sat beside jungkook and his brother sat with sister-in-law infront of us.

The food was delicious as hell. Each bite made me melt from inside.

After dinner we went into the garden area and all of us sat down on the grass.

So yn,hope you liked the dishes I made. Haedo aka sister-in-law chirped.

Never have I ever ate such a good cuisine even in the restaurant. You're a really good cook. Share me those recipes later. I said and got a call from hospital.

I went to take the call.
Meanwhile when I returned only his brother was present.

Where did jungkook and sister-in-law go? I asked him while he stared at me differently.

Jungkook too got a call and Haedo went to use washroom.
Yn, I'm a very straightforward guy. So let me ask you this question as it's bugging me alot. Are you with jungkook for his money?Like why will a girl accept to live with a guy she knows nothing about.

The second he finished his question it made my blood boiled.
What does he think of me huh!
That I'm a gold digger or something.

Pardon me. I think you're in a great delusion hyung(brother). Because I earn a lumsome amount of money to buy myself bread and butter. And first of all I can never be with a guy just for money. I earn, I pay. Secondly I'm matured enough to take decisions.Saying so I was about to leave the place but his next words just made me stop on my heels.

That's great.I loved that attitude of yours.If in future,you didn't like being with jungkook then I'm always here for you babygirl. He blabbered shit and I was gonna slap him but jungkook came in between.

From his facial expressions I can understand he didn't heard anything.
Haedo too came and had no emotions on her face,which means she heard it.

Yn,let's go home fast. I need to make few corrections in a book right now,so I have to hurry and reach home as soon as possible. Saying so he grabbed my hand and we bid goodbye to them.
We means only jungkook, I was still stunned with his brother's words.

Jungkook was driving us home while I kept quite the entire journey. He glanced at me few times and I made sure to talk about the scene in the garden with his brother as we reach home.

I just can't believe what nonsense his brother vomited. How is Haedo still living under a same roof as him. Why is she having his baby?

How could he be so different from jungkook?

Jungkook might be cocky sometimes but he's well mannered and never made me feel pathetic whereas his brother is a dick.

Actually,Ye-jin is not my biological brother. He was adopted when my parents tried their best to have an offspring of their own. But after adopting him, I was born a year later. He's been a really good brother to me. He supported me in my every decision. Even when dad doubted me being a writer and opening my own firm,it was Ye-jin who talked with dad and made him understand. I really love him as my own brother. After listening to his heartwarming confession and the love he has on his brother,my heart couldn't bare the pain it was feeling.

Jungkook,your brother is a snake in the grass.
It's not what it looks like.
How am I going to tell you about the garden incident?
Will you trust me enough or your love for your brother will win against the reality?

I just faked a tight smile and nodded my head. I couldn't come up with any words to appreciate his love towards that rascal.

We entered the house and he straight went inside his study room.

I changed my clothes and switched on the T.V to watch a kdrama.

I checked the time and it was 2am already.

I was about to give a call to jungkook but he stood beside me in a suit and tie.

Are you going somewhere? I asked as he had a few luggage too with him.

He came closer and sealed our lips with eachother. He gave me a long kiss which made me feel better. I too kissed him back with the same will.

He broke the kiss and stared in my eyes.
I don't know if it's too early but you already stole my heart sweetcheeks. Every kiss makes me go insane inside out. You have no clue this writer is falling in love with a human more than the words I've ever wrote. So Y/N believe me when I say I love you more than the love you would've ever received. I kissed him again this time as I couldn't take the emotions that welled up inside of me.

If this is not love then I don't know what love is.

I kissed him until my last breathe cried for oxygen.
I kissed with all love.
I kissed him for a lifetime.
I kept kissing him because why not.

Yn, I'm getting late. He said in between the kisses.
Where are you leaving to? I asked as this was so sudden.

Actually, I got some urgent work in Paris,so I will have to leave right now. I'm sorry I didn't told you earlier as it was not planned.
He explained me and I couldn't think properly as to how I should  react.

Okay then when will you return from Paris? I questioned while helping him load the luggage in the car.

After two days. I will wrap up the things fast and come back soon. Till then don't miss me much,Sweetcheeks.
He muttered whilst pinching my cheeks.

Well,well, well, let's see who misses whom. I teased and opened the car door for him.

He sat on the driving seat and I gave him one last peck while he kissed me on my forehead this time.

I bid him a good bye but to be honest I don't want him to go.
I wanted him to stay.

Also I was unable to tell him about the incident.

I entered our bedroom and slept sadly.

The next morning,I was interrupted from my sleep through a call and as soon as I saw the caller-ID, my senses tensed.

UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN !Where stories live. Discover now