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Taehyung pov:

I sat on my sofa while going through a patient's medical history. And my phone buzzed with a call from my brother.

Yah! Taehyung-ah you are coming home right now. Dude it's your elder brother's engagement and you have no importance of it? He kept scolding me and I listened to it without any other option.

Don't worry hyung, I will be their on time. I will also bring my friends with me.I spoke and ended the call before he starts speaking anything else.

I'm really not in a mood to listen to his tantrums or literally anything.

Urgh! These big brothers!

Y/f/n pov:

I'm already excited about the engagement ceremony.
As yn has told me to accompany her and also she received an invitation from Taehyung himself.

How mean and rude of him to only invite yn and jimin but not me!

He's idiot for sure.

Anyways I can't refuse free food.
Plus it's an engagement so the food is gonna be elite, expensive and everything that I need.

While getting ready for the programme, I had this naughty plan in my mind.

Mr. KIM TAEHYUNG be ready for a revenge cause m
why not.

You really went down the lane by not inviting me personally.

So it definitely needs some return gift from me.

I smiled internally.

As this plan can't be executed by me all alone so I dialed jimin's number.

Hey! Jiminie pabo---------

Y/N pov:

We were currently seated and the couple exchanged their rings.

The hall,the decoration,every minor thing in the ceremony looked exquisite.

No doubt Taehyung's family is richy rich.
I could even smell the richness pouring from them.

I looked to my left and saw jungkook staring at the couple in a different way.
As if he's imagining himself at their position but I wonder who's the girl he might be imagining in it!

Aish,yn! Why are you thinking about it.
Just enjoy the moment.

After few hour,we left our seats to grab some beverages. As my throat felt thirsty.

We all gathered their including Taehyung, Jungkook,Jimin and y/f/n.

I saw y/f/n giving some signals to jimin and him refusing it.

What are these two monkeys planning?

Then after few minutes they excused themselves and left me, jungkook and taehyung alone.

So, I hope you guys are enjoying and not being bored. Taehyung asked while rubbing his nape.
He looked tired.

Offcourse not. It's being a long time since I last attended a party or occasion like this. Well thanks to you I got the chance to do so. I spoke while searching those two in the crowd of people through my poor eyes.

Meanwhile I also felt this constant stare from someone who's making my skin hotter than sun.

Man even forgot to blink,I guess.

And you jungkook? Taehyung asked him and as he was about to answer.

Y/f/n and jimin returned with drinks in their hands.

I hurriedly snatched the drink from y/f/n's hand and gulped it in one go.

I was dying out of thirst.

But after finishing my drink the look on y/f/n and jimin's face scared me.

Did....they... both poisoned this drink or something?
Oh goodnesss....m I gonna die?

Both faces paled and I realised that something is really fishy.

But suddenly both started laughing in a weird and awkward way.

Which didn't help my suspicion to go away from them but somehow I made myself calm down.

Maybe it's nothing and I'm just overthinking.

After having a drink we guys finished our dinner and I was standing nearby a lake which was beside the venue.

Suddenly my body started behaving in an unusual way.
It felt hot everywhere.

I couldn't understand this sudden change.

Until I heard someone.

You shouldn't be here yn at this time. Jungkook said  while removing his coat and placing it on my shoulder.

While his thumb came in contact with my bare shoulder.

Jungk-o-ok.. I tried to say further but the pain worsened and my womanhood was already throbbing.

Yn,your body is running hot. What happened?Are you okay? His facial expressions turned serious and worry spread all over him.

I think the-- dri--nk, somet-h-ing.. ahhhh....k--oo--k...it's uhmmm...it's pa--inin--g..before I could complete my sentence his phone rang and he picked it hurriedly.

Hyung, something happened to-----ohk I will take care of her, don't worry.Ohk I will be their quick.
He carried me bridal style and I didn't protest because I was already in lot of pain.

But I want to know who was on the call and what did that person said for him to behave so relaxed.

He speeded somewhere and I couldn't make out where are we actually going?

Jungkook pov:

When I saw her face I knew something was wrong and when I touched her my intuition was correct.

She was in pain.

And atlast Jimin's call made it all clear.
I was so angry when he spoke what actually happened with her but I quickly made a relaxing face so yn couldn't doubt on me.

All I think right now is how can I ease her pain?
It's only one thing that will help her.
But I'm scared what if she refuses my help?

Jimin pov:

I told you beforehand only that it's not a good idea. But you never listen to me. Now look what a big mess it had made. I blurted and saw tears welling in y/f/n's eyes.

Shit! I shouldn't have raised my voice.

I'm sorry jimin. I'm really a pathetic human. I just. I'm sorry. She mumbled while wiping her tear filled face.

You're not alone in this. I was a part too. Let's apologise to her sincerely tomorrow. And let her take the decision of forgiving us. I said while giving her a side hug.

What is happening here? We both jumped in horror when we heard that voice out of the blue.

It's nothing taehyung! I said as y/f/n couldn't come up with a word and kept wipping her face.

If it's nothing then why is y/f/n crying? He asked in a serious tone which brought chills all over my spine.

Y-nn drank the liquid whi-ch had vi-ag-ra in it . And I was the one who bought it for y-ou but ins-tead of you s-he dra-nk the whole ju-ice. She didn't kn-ew ab-out it. Y/f/n completed her sentence with wobbly legs and even her speech was stuttering. She was terrified as hell and also ashamed of her own doings.

Poor girl just wanted to tease the man infront of her but fell in her own trap unknowingly and dangerously by hurting the woman she loves to the moon and back.

I was waiting for taehyung to speak something but he dashed away from their.

Without uttering a single word.
And y/f/n collapsed on the ground crying her heart out.

The plan failed terrifically!

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