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Y/F/N pov:

Supriseeeeeeeeeee ynieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! And saying so I jumped on her taking both of us on the ground with a loud thud.
I might have broke few bones but who cares!

Yaaaah! I can't breathe,you idiot let go of me she said catching some air.

Aren't you happy after getting a full view of me ever since I vanished for a month? I said sounding giddy.

Offcourse duh! If someone barges in someone's room and scream like this to a point where I remember the day my mom delivered me, you can make out how extremely euphoric I am! She said in one go implicating a rapper on a talent show winning judges heart through his/her rapping.

But ynie why did you shout looking at me? Till I ask her I saw granny,jimin and a guy who was handsome as hell.

I got lost in his eyes ever since I laid my eyes on his.
Let it be cliche except the well sculpted monument I watch infront of me look at us in worry.

I hope I don't look like a fool.
Or else I m loosing the changes of impressing him already!

Why are you both screaming and shouting?Is their a intruder? Who's it ? Tell me. I got the broom with me to beat the shit out of that ass--- and yn puth her hands on granny's mouth to shut it up.

It's nothing like that granny , we both mumbled at the same time.

And a small laugh came out of jimin's mouth. Even the handsome guy grinned looking at us.

A tint of red crept all over my face when our eyes met.

This is the second time I looked in it.
Taking both of us off guard about the tiny eye contact we made.
Does he already had a crush on me?

If everything is sort out and fine then shall we proceed towards the delicacies I made with all my love. Granny said with a bit of teasing.

Yes let's go, I m famished. I vomited and ran in the living room keeping the people behind in daze.

Y/N pov:

When I saw her I actually imagined someone else which astonished me,also she was standing to close towards the door that her not-so- beautiful-face astonished me and then I screamed.

But when the damn senses came back to their respective position I calm myself down only for her to scream again.

As if watching her in my bedroom didn't knock out the fucking cells of my petite body!

What does she think of herself?
I was already pissed at her for getting lost these past 35 days.
Unbothered to tell us about her whereabouts.

Where was she lost ?
In a torrendo or a tsunami!
Or was she is in the stomach of a big fat shark!

But when all the other people stood beside us I couldn't ask her the damn question.

And my lovely grandma talked about the food which made the beggar fled to the dining area like a lost ghost.

Whom to blame?

In all this chaos I noticed one thing which is fishy.
The damn eye contact both my friend and Mr. Unannounced Guy had for twice I guess.

Huh! Let's ask the bundles of questions later and dive in the food first.
Or else y/f/n will devour all the food by herself.
That idiot!

And then we all hurried to the dining table while my sweet friend had begun munching the food keeping nothing untouched.
The mannerless creature she is!
Jimin being done with her drama ignored it but Taehyung looked a lit baffled.

After a while we watched a movie together.
All because the protest y/f/n did.
But in almost silence.
Unbelievably my ears hurt because of the voiceless atmosphere.
I felt thirsty.
So,I went in the kitchen and pour myself some fruit juice.

Taehyung pov:

After talking with Dr.Yn in the canteen I felt a bit relieved.
Also the shift change made me blow some air which was stuck for some unknown reason in the lungs.

I was not able to tell her the reason behind my sudden shift change as it made me feel shame on myself.

The sole reason was yesterday's surgery which could have been lethal if I didn't let sleep take in.

I couldn't handle my sleep and the consequence shattered me.

It did bought a minor problem in the surgery but I was able to get through it.

Since I can't trust myself enough and keeping the patient in risk is the last thing I would want.

I asked for a shift change.
To avoid any risk in the future.
I have been always hard on myself,so such a minor thing stressed me out completely.

It's an embarrassment afterall!

Also I felt like I should've told her the reason and that shit was eating me out ever since the minny talk we had near the cafeteria.

So inorder to make things better I reached Dr.Yn's granny's home.

She has all the rights to know about it.
And I must buckle up myself to do so.

I also saw her leaving towards the parking lot.

Being damn sure about her destination due to the earlier mess happened in the hospital.

I reached before her maybe she might have some errands to run.

It was awkward but when I saw jimin everything came to a comfortable mode.

I waited for her and when the door bell rang I deliberately opened the door.

But I took her by suprise.
She should be awarded a brand new trophy as the way her brows furrowed and then appeared normal like nothing happened.

Giving me a  not so weird smile she proceeded further.
Before I welcomed her with a smile in return.

Everything went fine until her friend showed up in an unusual way.

I thought her friend was okay but nah man she is definitely not okay!
To be honest she beyond the word okay.
Her behaviour.Her way of talking.
Her addiction towards food.
Her stares at me.

Even though we all sat on the table her friend continuously gawked at me.
Leave me the fuck alone please.
Let me eat in peace.

It was so uncomfortable I couldn't eat the food the way I want it to be.

I felt Dr.Yn notice the tiny play infront of her.

But since the play involved her beloved bestie she neglected it or its what I thought!

Nevermind, I tried to finish the food as soon as possible.

Then vomit the thing I came here for and then get away from these Bambi eyes who keep staring at my soul.

Nothing works as per the plan and here we are watching the fucking movie in the middle of a battle field and turmoil of emotions.

Thanks goodness jimin had blocked the view of the creepy woman or else instead of taking O2 I might end up giving it out and leaving this planet forever!

I know I m humourous!

All I m trying is to stay put.
But the thing called patience is eating me from inside.

The moment my eyes got a glimpse of Dr. Yn moving towards the kitchen I swear I loved all the unlucky stars I had.
I even loved the hole on my underwe---
Okay it's not something I should continue speaking.
Let's put a full stop here and catch up with her in the kitchen.

Well I was only few centimetres away to reach the final stop when I got pulled by someone.

Before that I took a deep breath to not kill the person who had the audacity committing the thing they are doing right now.

If not kill I might just take the fucking heart out and cut it into as many tiny pieces as I can.

Because my patience has turned into anger.
Even God can't save the poor soul from me.

UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN !Where stories live. Discover now