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Y/N pov :

He looked guilty yet those eyes hold the power, I have seen once in somebody which I don't want to remember.

He was continuously bowing and apologizing me. He was really sorry for accidentally spilling the coffee.

It's fine, no worries. I will wash it and the strains will disappear anyways! I said in one go.

If you don't mind , can I clean it and return you back?he requested.

I just nodded because I don't like to hold a conversation that's nothing to do with my work. Plus, I am in a hurry to reach my favourite destination!

He took my apron and returned a boxy smile. Irrelevant of his beautiful smile, my face was twice as worst as a ghost. Emotionless and stoic.

Does that matter?
Atleast to me it doesn't.

As he was about to leave I asked, What's your name and how will you return me the apron?

He was baffled, but replied with a smile again which was kinda grin, Myself Dr.Kim Taehyung and I am from cardiology department transferred here just now. About the apron, is it possible for you to meet here tomorrow at lunch time?

I nodded and left without having any word further. That's so unrealistic to talk with people who radiates a good charisma.

I rather prefer to be alone than to be with people that aren't good for my poor heart.

I can have a good talk with a worst looking ghost than with good looking people.

And he feels like an attention seeker because he got some looks!

"Some" can be a insult, actually a tons of good looks!

Again I am not a big fan of people with beautiful face because it says,"Don't judge a book by it's cover."

I like people who speaks the truth and have a good heart. Who aren't with you for their profit but because they actually care for you.


I grabbed my car keys and went into the parking area.

Where I saw my sweety dashingly parked their.

I love my car and I treat her as my own child. Call me anything but this car is my everything to me. The reason is simple, it's my first investment that I bought from my first salary.

She is just like a family member of mine.

Sitting inside I turned the engine and started driving. Not a big fan of music but depends on what mood I am and I search for that genre.

Right now its calm, so I played SERENDIPITY which is one of my favourite song that relaxes me.

I felt good while listening and driving at the same time thinking of the place I am taking myself to.

I reached the place and parked my car. I rang the doorbell and the only beautiful person on this earth for me opened it.

I squished her into a tight hug as I am letting her know that I missed her incredibly.

My granny ❤️

She let me in giggling. I love that noise. It's heaven to listen that sound. I am lucky enough to hear her giggles.

The smell of delicious food instantly made my stomach grumbled. I haven't had anything since morning after my tea. Bad appetite, I know.

I made myself comfortable on the dinning table and started digging in the food. My granny served my plate and we started eating.

Slow down, the food is not going anywhere. You might choke. She said with concerned fill eyes and little bit of playfulness.

You know how much I love eating your food and I am really hungry right now. I said while having a mouthful of food.

I praised her for the food and thanked her for everything. For which she said,No matter what darling you are always the one I love the most and I keep pampering you with all my love.

This feels home. She makes this non-living place , a heavenly and living atmosphere which reflects the only feeling which I get only from her i.e. LOVE.

We were currently watching a movie while she was sitting and I was in a sleeping position keeping my head on her laps. And she was giving me a good head massage.

I love her head massages.

God I love this person so much. Thankyou for sending this angel in my life.

Somebody rang the bell and I instantly stopped her to open the door by myself. But to my suprise their was no one on the door except a parcel.

I took the parcel and closed the door.

I showed her the parcel and asked, Did you ordered something? As if she knew about my question she hurriedly replied, Yeah! That's for you open it.

Damn man! Hope this surprise really ends well. Already I had a shitty day and I don't want my night to end the same.

But I trust her so it's gonna be fine.

With curious eyes I started opening it.
More like ripping the cover off. I halted my steps when I saw what exactly it was.

My eyes could no longer hold the tears back and I know they won't stop that easily.

She looked at me and wiped the tears with her thumbs. While I looked at those loving eyes that gave me the strength to survive in this world filled of rage and hatred.

I hugged her once again forgetting everything that happened so far.

All the scars and sacrifices I made so far, vanished in that one hug.

I love you, granny. And I will keep loving you to a extent which you have zero idea of. I replied with generosity and wiped the lone tear off my face.

She just smiled without any response.

And I don't need any too.

Her parcel was a frame which had a picture, where she was holding me in her arms while I was newly born and I was holding her finger with my tiny hands.

As if it was a promise we were giving eachother of never giving up and always being together.

And I call this as a night which gave me nothing but a reason to breathe. A place that allows the silence to float and the love to rise.

It was my peace. My only comfort zone.

UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN !Where stories live. Discover now