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Jimin pov:

Today, I came pretty early. I love the morning sunshine that gives me a glimpse of happiness.
Their is no such moments in my life called happy ever since my parents parted their ways.
Leaving me all alone in darkness.
My teenage life was as dull as poverty.

Until I met yn, she indeed changed me. Her being different from others made me open up and brought a new version.

I don't like to talk much about my parents, the reason is simple they weren't compatible.
Everyday used to be a torture. Plates cracking,mirrors getting shattered,loud voices of disputes between them.

I tried my best to neglect it till I saw blood on the floor when I returned from school.

Who's blood it was?
It's still a question.

But surely it wasn't mine. It was either one of my parent.
That whole day the house sounded with just dead silence.

While I was sitting on our couch waiting for the arrival of atleast one of my parents.

Minutes turned into hours but came none.
It was midnight when I received a call from the telephone.

The call was from an orphanage who told me to pack my bags and be ready for a departure.

At that very moment I know I lost my everything.

Being merely a kid I realised I have nothing to rely on.

After few days I got to know my parents took divorce and parted their ways. With the last option of keeping me in an orphanage.

I cried hard and harder and hardest. My sobs never stopped. My breathing got uneven. My chest was heaving. My eyes red. My hands shaking and trembling. My body felt nothing but a piece of shit to me that was being disposed in this place.

I wanted to ask alot of questions to my parents for their decision and responsibility towards me but I opted to shut my mouth tight.

Due to the tremendous pain in the past I kept distance from others.

Except when I came across yn I felt like keeping my heart in her hand.
The odd feeling with humans disappeared in the air. Her eyes always calms me and without giving a second thought I wanted to be her best buddy.

And from that day our bond tighten due to the immense depth of our friendship.

I never told her about my past since she told me not to ask about hers.

We kept one thing hidden between us i.e our past except for that one eye contact and we know what's going on in eachother's life.

I am overwhelmed for her presence.
And even though sometimes she might get pissed because of me but she can never ever hate me.

Although I m the best buddy!

Jimin,where are you lost and please stop crying. Tell me,what's wrong! I heard her voice filled with care.

I didn't exactly started with the reason behind my tears but my past.
She listened carefully. Without interrupting me.
Giving me a shoulder to rely.
I bet she must be shaken from inside.
But she will never depict her true feelings on the face.

Then comes what really happened today.

So I reach hospital early and checked the patients while chit chatting with each one of them.
Later I went to the cafeteria to grab some coffee.
While I was sipping on my coffee I got a call from Dr. Jung.

When I entered his cabin, my soul left the body.
All I could see was my Appa infront of me.
As soon as Dr.Jung saw me, he told me to shift him to the cancer patients ward.
And explain him about his health and the further procedure.

I had given up all the hopes of getting back with my parents or even worse to see their faces again.
Nevertheless this was something I never expected.

When he saw me, I sense some kind of tension between us.
He was overly guilty.
Regret was clearly seen on his wrinkled face.
Those eyes which once gave me warmth are now coloured with emptiness.

I nodded and followed the instructions guiding Appa towards the ward.

Those 15 minutes of walk felt like 15 years.
None spoke.
I rested him on the bed and left.
I couldn't take it anymore.
How could he be so calm?
As if he didn't betrayed me and left me all alone on a hopeless path.

Anger took place in my blood. But all I did was sit and cry.

I can't cause any harm here. This is a well respected place created by the blood,sweat and tears of my dear person.

I grabbed a nearby chair , kept my head hung low and burst into tears.

Tears of sadness.
Tears of anger.
Tears of being helpless.
Tears of being betrayed.
Tears for everything that's hurting me.

Until I heard yn's voice. I restricted myself for not being vulnerable but ended up showing it infront of her.

Now I am crystal clear and theirs nothing to hide.

For few seconds both of us sat in pin drop silence.
Their were no words to utter.
She knows the pain I felt.
She understands me very well.

Y/N pov:

I wanted to cry so bad. But I suppressed it.
His story is engulfed with sorrow and pain.
It must be hard for him to accept all the draggers thrown at him together.
First the seperation of his parents.
And forced to live in an orphanage.
Never being able to see your parents ever again.

Poor soul got troubled at a very young age.
A childhood so dark like this can make any kid pathetic.
It can bring alot of trauma yet he is always cheerful and a whole tease.

I can't imagine my life been so horrible from the youth.

All he needed was love but received none.
How cruel were his parents!
They really don't deserve a son like him.

I never thought jimin could have this dark past.
It means the brightest star also suffers in the darkest way.

Jimin is a really good friend and takes a good care of me.
He can recognise my mood easily.
My mental health was also strengthen due to him.
He always stand by my side when I need him and now it's my time to do the same.

Jimin pov:

A hug could erase every dirt and hurt.
It gives you a reassurance to fight back the things you are suffering from.

And that's what yn did.
She hugged me as if taking away all the misery I suffered so far.
It lasted for a good amount of time.
And made me calm down.

Without any words just a physical touch.....

But they didn't know that someone was burning from inside.
It was to a point were he felt the sensation all over his body.
He so badly wanted to seperate them apart.
Only if he knew what that simple hug meant!

If not jealous he sense something different which he couldn't make out.
A notion which was never experienced by him till now.

All he did was to make a run out of the situation his eyes failed to keep him unknown with.

If HURT is an emotion,he was filled with it all over.
He was so engrossed in the moment that he didn't know the way his feets took on an abandoned path!

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