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Y/N pov:

I saw an expensive icecream shop right at front of me.
My mouth watered at the view.
I danced in happiness but only in my mind not in reality.

I was still blown away by the stunt he pulled in the car.

Guess I should just ignore him.

I entered the shop without his presence as he got a call.

I ordered a choco brownie for me and Mint chocolate for him.

So that he will gawk at the choice of flavour later.

But to my utter suprise he had the icecream without making a face of disgust.

I neve told you my favourite flavour is Mint chocolate. He murmured while licking the icecream.

I facepalm myself. What a phenomenal choice he has!

How am I going to handle his ass for a MONTH.

I replied nothing instead sat on my earlier seat in the car.

He looked baffled but didn't say further more.

While I  was still licking the icecream he sat at the driving seat and started driving.

He's fast that he finished the icecream within seconds. Wow! Cool!

We should enjoy every lick of the icecream and this man is the total opposite.
God damit!
I hope I don't regret marrying and really becomes the best decision ever like said by his mother.

Because he's really crushing my hopes second by second.

I kept my focus on the road and the icecream in my hand.

Tomorrow,my brother and sister-in-law asked us to meet them for dinner. Are you free? He asked while driving looking like a hot meal.

I mean I must admit that he's looking hot asf. While his physique is not helping much.
But guys I'm breathing and I'm alive.

Sure. I answered still licking the icecream.

While I continued doing that I glance at him and oh goodness. He looked at me for millisecond and smirked.

Stop making me so breathless through those inhuman actions.

When are we reaching home. I just want to hit the bed.

After a hour,we finally got to his house.
He again opened the door for me like a GENTLEMAN which he is definitely not!

I explored the entire house in Awe. The house is huge and so elegant. For two person this house is just soooooo big.

It gives me comfy vibes. I guess I m already in love with the house.

Let's see if it's the same with owner or not.
I thought their will be maids but not a single human being was present at the time.

Why is their no one in the house? I asked feeling nervous out of the blue.

It's just me who lives here and from now onwards you. So it's just the two of us. Who else you want? He asked while he came closer towards me.

And I back off until the wall surrounded me.

I thought there might be maids to keep up with the house. I whispered as he inched closer.

No need for that. We do the cleaning and we do the cooking. He said pointing at me and him.

He's kidding me right?
This big house needs cleaning which is not possible by just two people.
And who will do the house work when my ass gets tired by just working non-stop in the hospital.

UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN !Where stories live. Discover now