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Jungkook pov:

As on the list I added plenty of items.
Right now, we were in the grocery store.
Rowwon still didn't talk much with me whilst I waited for his normal self to return back.

I still didn't believed what I saw in the morning.
It was astonishing and bewildering.

I think now about how this world is so small as I meet people which tends to piss me off.

This thing can be irritatingly natural.
Yet I can't swallow the smile as beautiful as the Eiffel tower that reached rowoon's lips this morning.

It can be devastating that I hardly made him smile  such a way like how she did.

Without much work done !

'She' aka Y/n!
Yeah you heard it righttttttt.
Its her, our only neighbour on the damn floor.

Why on this planet had my secretary found the only flat which I so badly wanted to change now!

Her appearance in the morning was so charming even the sun looks nothing infront of her.

She looked effortlessly gorgeous without any makeup and those neutral curls looked appropriately stunning on her.

The drees looked like it was depicted only for her to be worn.

I-- wait why m I thinking of her?
Shit, focus on the work Jeon!
Get a grip on yourself.

As I entered the reality I saw rowwon nowhere to be seen.

Panicked me started searching for him only for the view infront of me making my mood even grumpier than before.

What is she doing here?
Nooooooo just go awayyyyyy!

If she is doing this knowingly then she better be ready for a fight.
Because rowon is mine and only mine.
I don't like sharing what's mine especially my little prince.

Rowwon,come here baby. We gotta shop together,isn't it the thing why we came here at the first place! I said pointing out the significance for our arrival.

He looked at yn, whispered something into her ears for which she giggled and came toward me.

I wanted to know what he said but I will get to know about it later.

Jealousy is a disease but I m not even little bit of it.

Its totally fine.

Yeah! I exhaled a heavy pent up breathe and forced myself to ignore her as much as possible.

Yet my eyes painstakingly ache for her.

She might have taken a bath and her wet hairs were doing nothing but inventing something in the pit of my stomach and my brain was loosing it's control.

Fucking traitor!

Why do god created women with so much care and beauty that they can kill anyone with just a glance.

A stare and all gone.
Just like how my heart is beating at a anonymous rate.
Which might explode from my lungs if I stay longer and close to her.

I moved my cart with rowwon to the icecream corner and then we left the store for fuck sake!

All because this poor heart is a complete bastard.
Hiding in the vicinity of the lungs.
Such an asshole he is!

Earlier days I forgot about having a heart but nowadays he is showing what a bitch he is!

Kook,you okay? Rowwon words distracted me with the fuss in my mind.
Yeah darling, you tell me now where you want to go for lunch? I asked after loading the car with stuff we brought from the store.

He acted as if he is thinking and replied with a nodd.

What does that little nodd means?
I asked knowing very well about it but still I wanted him to state it.

Kook,you definitely know what does it mean! He giggled after finishing his sentence.

Oh man! I loved that voice.
As if their is no other beautiful sound than the one which comes after I hear his laugh,his giggles,his naughtiness.

Care to explain,my little prince? I extended our conversation after I put the safety belt and covered him properly.

It means I want to eat the food cooked by you. He said while I started the engine and resumed on the track to reach home.

What rowwon wants, rowwon gets! I said with happiness lingering within my nerves and into the atmosphere.

I may not have any family but rowwon is my whole world.
I love him to the moon and back.

Y/N pov:

It was totally out of my hands to not freak when I got a little info about my neighbour being none other than JEON JUNGKOOOOK!

I swallowed a big lump after I saw rowwonie was also with him.
Which means he(rowwon) is staying with him.

I longed to see him and he was standing right infront of me giving me a big livid smile which melted all the nerves in my body.

I hugged him as soon as I came back to my senses.
Gosh, rowwonie I missed you, darling. I was sad I couldn't see ya yesterday. I said being on the verge of tears but I controlled my emotions.

I too missed you soooooo muchhhhhhhh. He said while stretching the words until they tell you the depth of his longing for me.

I pressed him to me as much as possible. To fill enough of the void he left in me yesterday.
It's as if someone will take him away from me forever and it's our last greeting.

I wanted the moment to last forever only for someone to interrupt with a cough.

Jealousy pooled in his eyes or is their something else which I saw for a fraction of seconds.
Was it warmth,love or something out of the box.
Whatever it was that definitely made tingles all over my body.

From their dressing it seems they were suppose to go somewhere.

His eyes now shone with irritation but I neglected him and bid a bye to rowwonie, I entered my house.

With a loud thud only for Mr.Jealous Bun.

This was our first encounter.
The second one was in the grocery store.

Where again Mr.Jealous Bun added their foot in between when I was helping rowwonie get the chips packet at the upper shelf.

When the jerk asked rowoon to join him, my little baby whispered something in my ears which was unbelievable for me to trust.

He said,"kook can be a baby sometimes, don't mind huh!"

This were the exact words he enchanted which failed to leave my mind since then.

Every time I remember it, a smile forms on my lips which lasts more than a minute or go.

How adorable a little human can be!

After I ran out of milk and made it to the store running and huffing, I returned back only to be met with my not-so-cool-but-the-only friend y/f/n.

She was standing towards the door frame so she didn't saw my face.
But my face widened when I saw hers!
Oh my fuckingggg godddddddddd!

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