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Y/N pov:

You shouldn't be here. I said keeping my eyes closed.
I heard you weren't good and fainted,so I came here.  He said with curious eyes.
And was continuously watching my salined hand.

Does it hurt? He said with utmost care.

Hurt and me? I have hurt you more then this, still he cares about my hurt.
Damn this kid's heart is so pure.
His parents must have raised him very well.

I kept quite, because the guilt of my earlier stunt is still bothering me.
Its haunting me. It feels like if I utter a word I will hurt him even more.

Its fine, Dr.Y/N. I know you are strong and no one does scares you!
Not even uncle han,isn't it? He mumbled.

I am done with this silene so I spoke whatever I felt like.

Rowoonie , I am so sorry for whatever happened earli--
As I was going to complete my sentence there comes the person which I never in a darkest nightmare will thought would appear infront of me.

Hey! Champ, finally gotcha.  After saying this he too was as stunned as I was.

Its him. But why now. Why here. For what purpose.

Rowoon jumped from his seat and engulfed the man who is in shock.
Shock would be an understatement.
He was horrified and angered.

As much as it is difficult for me to utter a word it's the same for him.

Kook! Finally you came. I missed you so much. Rowoon said with so much of an emotion that can't be conveyed through words.

Me too,darling!  That's it he said and left with rowoon in his arms.
As if I wasn't with them.
Just like last time when that old grumpy uncle took him away from me.

But this time the only difference it made was rowoon didn't showed any sadness  instead he was more than happy in the arms he laid.
That he too forgot about my presence.

May be its TIT FOR TAT!

And those arms that carried him were the one which I prayed to god would never showed up.
Atleast not to me.
Not now.
Not Never.

Someone's pov :

Kook,what happened? You aren't talking with me. You even bought me here while,Dr.Y/N was about to complete her confession. He kept mumbling. But my mind was somewhere else.
It was on HER.
Why was she hospitalized?
What happened to her?
Like I care!
No I don't!
Or may be I do due to humanity!

She looked the same innocent girl I once thought was innocent.
Or she still might be!
But she definitely is a BETRAYER!

But how could she end up been here. Does she know about rowoon?
No, that's not possible. She knows nothing.

I have to look after this matter.
I can't loose my champ to her again!

She has no rights to come in between us. And if she does then I will make sure she regrets it.

Kooooookkkkkkkkk,where are you lost, give some attention too meeeeeeee....
I misssssseddddddd you tooooooo muchhhhhhh. He cutely spoke.

And now all my mind and thoughts were on him.

We talked a lot.

About his schedule.
About mine.
About the fun he did here.
About the boredom I spent in their without him.

Then finally he spoke the thing I was waiting impatiently to listen.


So after listening him its clear that she is unaware about everything.
About him,about all the thing that happened in the past.

That's a relief.
God better be on my side this time!

My phone rang and its my annoying secretary.

God,what this woman wants from me?
She makes me trustfrated by her not so sweet and flirtatious voice.
Damn,such a bitch!
She knows that I am not interested in her.
Still pulls her own tactics.
And fails miserably all the time.

Anyhow I picked up the call and excused myself from rowoonie.
Don't want the poor kid to even hear her voice.

As I opened the door, I crashed into someone or more like someone crash into me.

And when I saw who it was........

Y/N pov :

I was still unknown with the fact that I saw him again.
What not.

Fuck it. I don't want to think more about it.
I am already suffering.
I left the room and went on a round to check my patients, forgetting that I was one of them earlier.
But I don't care about my health anymore.
All I want is him to disappear or atleast I become invisible when we come face-to-face.

He hasn't changed a bit.
The same aura.
The same power that he holds in his eyes.
Everything about him is mesmerizing.
Like the first time I saw him.
On our--Wait, why am I even talking about him?
He is nobody to me.



On my way to the ward,I saw Jin.
And as soon as my eyes fell on him, I tried to hide somewhere but couldn't!
Damn my luck.

Y/N is that you?You think ,you can hide from me? Why are you here? You are told to take rest. Just why don't you take care of yourself and listen to me once.

He kept talking like an old grandpa until he felt like I wasn't paying much of attention.
And Bro did stopped his ranting.
But I can still see the concern in his eyes.
I am adamant and a little brat,he knows.

Jin,I am totally fine now. Plus I was getting hella bored sleeping on that bed. So I myself thought of getting up and doing some work which will boost my energy and keep me in a great mood. I said explaining my condition.

He nodded and said, You are mature enough to take your own decisions and I was just worried about you. Gotta go, catch you up later.
I waved my hands and felt overwhelmed with his choice of words.
Straight,Simple and Convincing.

Btw, Jin is a well known Psychiatrist in our hospital and in the city too.
He deals with my case too.
Which is neither deep nor shallow.
So, we had few sessions together.

Even if I tried as hard as I can.
I am not able to focus on anything and everything.
My mind is a mess.
And HE is the creator of this mess!
More like an owner of it!

Still, I tried engaging myself with some or the other thing.
And it was getting dark now.
I was thirsty, so thought of making TEA for myself.
There wasn't a single person in the canteen.
Afterall it was half-past twelve.
What can I even expect.

But then I felt a presence behind me.
As if someone was breathing exactly behind me near my nape.
Slow and calm breathe.
Heartbeats in rhythm.
Fragrance of flower.
Addictive cologne.
And when I turned around...........

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