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Y/N pov:

So,Y/N my darling, what do you think about the marriage proposal? asked Mrs.Jeon smiling within herself.
I bet no one can say NO when her smile is this good.

I would let you know about it,Mrs Jeon. I said fiddling with my fingers as I felt anxious.

No need to hurry my child, I garantee you marrying my son will be the best decision you will ever make.And call me mom from now onwards.This time I gave her an awkward smile. Nodding my head I gulped a whole glass of water.

Y/N, how about after dinner you show JUNGKOOK our house? It was dad who broke the silence and gave me a warm smile.
Few minutes before he so badly wanted to seperate me and that JUNGKOOK guy while now he commands me to show him the house,what an IRONY !

I gave him a thumbs up while continued chewing the delicious veggies. I unconsciously looked at JUNGKOOK and oh goodness he was already staring at my petite SOUL.
HE'S A FREAKING CHAMELEON,on the stairs he looked at me with lovable and delicate eyes whereas now those orbs can burn the entire house.

We finished the dinner and headed to our respective places.

Do you really want to marry me? He questioned while we were walking in our backyard.
Do I have a choice? I blabbered while still processing what happened at the dinning area.

You can say NO, I got no problem with it. He blurted while holding my arm as I was about to trip.

He came in full view and moon light fell on him making him glow like a shining star.

Why should I? Can't you do it? I whispered breathe as our faces were just inches apart.

He chuckled and parted ways leaving me alone again.

Hey, wait why running away?  I said while catching my breathe.

His one foot is like my three. So offcourse he's fast to walk while I run behind him.

If it was possible for me, why would I have asked you? He muttered while folding his sleeves and sitting near the pool.

While dipping his legs in it.
Seriously the view looks too good to be true.
As if I want this memory to be engraved here itself.

I sat beside him while doing the same.

What do you for bread and butter? I asked hesitantly and shifting a little away from him as our legs were touching eachother.

I'm a writer and have my own firm where we publish books of other writers too. He answered glancing at me.

I thought he will ask me too but he didn't instead he closed his eyes while enjoying the feels.

He looked serene and even beautiful from this close.

I'm a neurosurgeon and work in JINHIT hospital. I confessed because why not.

He simply nodded his head.

So do you write novels or poetry? I asked as curiosity took the best in me.

I used to write both but now I took a pause from all this for a while. I want to try something .Until mom came up with this marriage thing and nevertheless got me stuck in this marriage proposal.

I saw the frustration in his eyes. I never thought I could get a husband WHO'S A WRITER.

I mean soon-to-be HUSBAND, I guess!

The thought itself made me red like wine.

Suddenly his phone rang and he got up to take the call.
I saw change in his demeanor. He looked different from his usual self.
Who's phone call it might be for him to change 180°.

I put my head in my hands as I felt lonely out of the blue.

Maybe because of his ABSENCE.

I waited their for a while but he didn't came so I went inside the house.

I entered my bedroom and saw mom packing my suitcase.

Mom,what are you doing? I asked horrifyingly.

Packing your stuff didn't you listen while I was announcing about you moving in with jungkook. She exclaimed so calmly.

While I felt an electric shock. Goosebumps erupted all over my body.
I so badly want to kill myself at this point for daydreaming and playing beautiful fantasies in my mind.

I should've listened to her.
So it's not a joke anymore and a dream too.

I'm really moving with him in his house.
What the actual heckkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why am I experiencing this TWIST OF FATE.

Fortunately dad entered the room and I was dying to meet him at this instance.

Dad, look what mom is talking about me moving from our house to his. I don't want to go Dadddddddd~~~~~~~~~~. I cried while hugging my dad.

Darling it's just a month,my girl is strong and INDEPENDENT. Show your dad that you can do it. Alright? He cooed , now that everything is already planned their's no backing off.

My baby give mumma a happy smile and let's get you down. I did as per her wish and hugged her tightly.


It was just me and him in his Bugatti La Voiture Noire which is the most expensive car in the world.

I want to eat an Ice-cream right now.  I blurted mindlessly as I was getting bored asf.

He looked at me as if I'm zombie who came here for a picnic with his ghost friend.

Now? At this time? He questioned while keeping one hand on the wheel and other on the dashboard.

Yepp you heard it right. I said feeling annoyed.

He chuckled and it irritated me even more.

What's so funny in it? I questioned while turning on the music to kill the time.

Nothing. He said shortly and pressed the brake.

What now? Why stop the car? Are you going to kick me out of the car? Wait I didn't even do anythi---- and came infront of my face while unbuckling the seatbelt.

You talk way to much sweet cheeks.
He said still being close to me.

How can you call me sweet cheeks when you haven't even kis---- and viola he grabbed my neck and pressed his lips on mine.

While I was stunned with the sudden movements.

I tried to calculate what was happening but he pulled away instantly. While I was still baffled.
It was my first kiss afteralll that too soooo short.
It was neither a kiss nor a peck!

I think now I can call you sweet cheeks isn't it? He muttered and came to open the door for me.

Why being a gentleman when you just blown all my senses out.

Anyhow, I step out of the car and got suprised by the view infront of me.

UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN !Where stories live. Discover now