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Y/N pov:

Today Rowoon got admitted early in the morning as his little holiday came to an end.

I'm swamped with all the patients and the surgery which just got over.

Y/f/n told me to grab lunch with her,so I was waiting for her at the cafeteria.

Taehyung pass by me looking irritated and ready to beat the shit out of anybody who dare to mess with him.

God knows what happened.

I spot y/f/n coming through the same direction as taehyung.

Maybe she could spill some tea.
As her face lacks glucose.
She right away gulps down the macaroon which I thought should be eaten together!

This girl!!!!!!!!!

Why do guys have problem with me? I'm such a good girl! She appreciated herself while clutching her phone furiously.

The phone might break keep it on the table and show some mercy on it.  I muttered while taking a bite of the French fries.

So? Is it you who provoked Taehyung? I questioned whilst  slurping the banana milk. know I was gone for a month and the reason is----------

Good that you made me remember it,as I was going to ask for an explanation. So mind telling me, where was this birdie building it's nest this time? As I saw her face palming herself.

Yeah! That's why I asked to meet you on lunch missy ! So the thing is you know I love cars but I don't know how to drive. Even though I asked you a million times to teach me---

Teaching you how to drive is a straight pass to HEAVEN.You may continue. I explained while stuffing the tacco inside my mouth.

Stop talking in between let me finish! She said furiously.
So like I said I wanted to learn driving. Hence I visited my village, asked my uncle to teach me and viola I got an license. LOOK! She showed me the card keeping it too close to my eyes.

I just can't believe it with my naked eyes! I exclaimed.

Make them wear clothes and believe it! She blabbered.

When pigs fly! I said still not believing the license and her driving skills.

Then why was taehyung so infuriated? I asked and this time her demeanor changed from happy to guilty.

Say it,come on. It's not like you hit his car or something while parking. I blurted jokingly until she spoke nothing and silence took place.

Wait, you really did that? I asked feeling horrified. Because even though I might be the owner of this hospital but taehyung has one of the richest sports car gifted by his rich dad.

Which he loves more than the vital organs he owns in his body.

Y/N help me please. I can never pay for the damage I caused even if I sell my brain,kidney,liver and lastly my precious lungs. She pleaded giving me those puppy eyes which is my weak point.

Can I see it? After watching the damage I felt like kicking the bucket.
For real the damage looks worst.

She broke both the headlights,the grilles is broken,the hoods is also not in a good shape. Inshort the car is in a big trouble.

Y/N, my dear friend,I hope you have a better solution. Because I can't think of one. She muttered.

Well I have only one option left. I declared while glancing at her.

I pay for the damage and you join as a CARDIOLOGIST until you return back the dept to me. Sounds good,right?

Frobly-mobly.I'm in. She answered showing no interest.

I know she had a trauma and couldn't continue her profession as a cardiologist but I guess this is the time she bite the bullet.

I called the staff from cardiology department for the announcement I'm about to make.

Good afternoon,everyone. I hope you are doing fine with your work. I called you all to make an announcement. Cuting to the chase,This is Y/F/N and she is the new CARDIOLOGIST which is joining us from today. Hope you guys mingle with her and carry forward your work as usual.

I saw Taehyung being annoyed with my announcement. But I can understand him. I waved my hands towards his direction and motioned him to meet me.

Hey,I called to let you know that I will fix your car on behalf of y/f/n. So don't worry. I assure you that you won't be disappointed. I spoke as fast as possible because his face lost all colours.

I don't know why but it makes me feel guilty for the act my bestfriend commited.

He spoke nothing,just nodded his head and muttered a small thankyou.

I guess he's deeply hurt. Sometimes things are also precious just like how parents are for us.

I right away called the person and asked him to help me with the car. He said within three days the car will be back to its original shape and position. Which is infact a great news.

I headed to check up on rowoon since the day has not been gotten worst than before and I need my SEROTONIN BOOST.

I entered the room but saw him fast asleep. Beside him sat the guy I so badly don't want to see.

But unfortunately he saw me and I saw him.

He was about to say something but I left immediately.

The conversation from last night flashed infront of me.
Making me fiery-tempered.

I came to check few patients and saw jimin resting on a chair while closing his eyes.

Hey,buddy what's up. You okay? I questioned caringly.

Yeah all's well. he shortly answered.

Jimin,if you want should I talk with your appa(dad) on your behalf ?
For which he quickly answered a no.

Fine then. Let's have dinner at Granny's house. I will call taehyung and y/f/n too.

Fantastic. He chirped

Watching him smile makes me smile too.

It might be a worst afternoon  but "all's well that end's well".

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