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Y/N pov:

It felt good but bad at the same time. Few seconds ago I could see the whole world spinning around me and then here I am sleeping on my own hospital bed with a saline attached to my skin.

And my granny who is holding my hand with a thought of never leaving it.

It must be that Park Fucking Jimin due to which she is here, mostly scared of my health and sudden blackout .

I am okay! I said to her when she opened her eyes after having a painful sleep.

Her back must be hurting due to her position i.e. SLEEPING WHILE BENDING ON HER BACK.

She isn't young anymore, atleast act like being old!

She kept giving me those dangerous stares while bringing something for me to eat and she existed the room.

Till then that guy from the coffee encounter came, sorry but I forgot his name.

He had my apron in his hand. While checking my pulse he asked,How are you Dr.Y/N?

Why does this name sound similar like I heard it somewhere?
As if someone was calling me with this name earlier, but I couldn't makeout exactly when,where and who.

Dang it!

Who bought me here? I asked him reluctantly.

Me. I bought you here. I was passing by the corridor and through the empty room I heard heavy breathings and when I open the door, you were already lying unconscious on the ground. I did called you thrice. But there was no response. So I carried you here.

Shit that's embarrassing.
He carried me here.
Nah man.
Just why?
Should have left me their on my own:(

Y/Naahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you okay? You know how tensed I was when I saw you unconscious. You scared the shit out of me. Just tell me where is it paining?Tell me who is it? I am ready to kill that bastard....
And he kept blabbering god knows how long.
He was actually making it difficult for me to breathe by strangling me.
He thought, he is hugging me out of concern but the reality was he kept no air for me to inspire nor expire!

So I screamed my lungs out,Jimin stop and shut the fuck up you monkey.

And thank goodness he stopped.

Fucking bastard.

All this time that man with my apron had his eyes wide open and in utmost shock.
Judging as from our earlier conversation!

Right now, I wanna dig a hole and bury myself in it.

And in a blink , my dearest human entered with a delicious food.

She kicked both the men out of the room and served me the delicacies. I was about to gulp the food unless I heard her sobb.

And I knew she will breakdown within no secs.

I kept the food beside and took her in my arms. Reassuring that this won't happen again.

You think I am a fool! Thousands of time I have heard you say this. And god dammit there is no change y/naah. You keep having them without knowing how to end them. Just listen to me once and take a therapy already please for god sake.

But her next sentence just broke me.

I don't know about my old-age but someday this panic attack of yours and your state in it will surely take my breathe forever.

She detached me from her and left without letting me a chance to speak.

A lone tear escaped from my eye.
I hurt the only person I loved the most in this world.
This is the second time I am hurting someone who cared about me.
Twice in a day.
Its too much to handle.

I left the food untouched and let sleep drown me in it.

I felt someone's touch on my hand which kinda wake me up. But when I opened my eyes , I instantly regretted it. My throat felt dry and I was already feeling suffocated.

Meanwhile in an airplane--------------------->

Someone's pov:

Yes, I will be boarding in paris within few hours. Can't wait to see my little brat. Gosh I already miss him.
Saying so I ended the call.

Sir, would you like to have anything to eat? The airhostess asked. I nodded my head as no and continued watching the drama that I am currently watching i.e. Vincenzo.
I must say this drama is now one of my best kdrama.
What a beautiful chemistry both the leads has.
Nothing much sensual still too good.

I don't know when I drift off but thankfully my secretary woke me up.
Right now,  I am on my way to the hospital where my little dumpling is admitted.
Surely, he has to go through a lot from such a young age.
But I sincerely feel it from my gut and through my bones that this hospital will truly bring him back to normal as it is one of the most renowned hospital in the city.....

UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN !Where stories live. Discover now