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The small steps turned into big ones. The naughty mind is a mature soul now. The one who was fiery tempered had learn patience. The bond with the loved ones has strengthen.The secret is still kept hidden in the dark. But since there is no harm the days are spend with care and affection.

Y/N pov :

I was putting on my apron when my mom entered the room. Ynnah,my sweety look how beautiful my baby is! Aish may all the evil eyes stays away from you. She said while delicately touching my hair.

Mom,what is it? Don't beat around the bush. Come to the point, I m getting late. I replied while carrying my car keys.

Aigoo,my darling knows me too well! So I've been wondering if you're seeing someone. If so tell me further itself.

Mom this question drives me up the wall. I've made myself clear a million times,didn't I? I've got no one and I m single since birth. Fine now? I answered been sulky.

Oh god,I was just pulling your leg, nevermind. Do me a favour and come home early this evening. Got some guest,I invited so better come and help your mom.

Alright mom,seee ya, gotta go now. I ve a really important surgery. Love yaa mom.
Giving a kiss on her forehead and receiving one from dad on my forehead.

Y/N dad pov:

Did you told her about the----

Don't worry darling just let your hair down and chill, I ve got this. Her mom smiled at herself while flaunting her hairs in the air.

This lady surely drives me crazy sometimes, like mother like daughter.

In the hospital ---------->

Yn you have got this. All the best.

Yes,Dr.Han I will successfully handle this,trust me.

After 5 hours------->

Guys well done it's a success.Lets celebrate after our shift ends said James.

Yeah sure but james don't loose your marbles like last time. Ara mocked james.

And all laughed after listening and remembering what Ara said.

Guys, you all have fun. I gotta go. Mom needs my help and guests are also visiting us tonight. I replied while all of their faces saddened.
Cheer up,guys. Tomorrow I promise to take you all for dinner,does it sound good? I exclaimed.

And all cooed a happy YES!

But guys you gotta keep it under wraps.
They nodded and gave me a thumbs up.

I turned on the engine and started the car , ready to go home. I was blue in the face,not to mention the tiredness I can feel in my bones. I was continuously performing surgeries for two days and this was  the third day where I came at home 2am in the morning.
Slept until 7 am and got back to work 9 am for another critical surgery.
Being A SURGEON is not easy but when it comes to saving life nothing can stop a DOCTOR from doing so.

I entered the house while the sweet aroma melted me on the spot.
My mom saw me through the kitchen counter and came to give me a hug.
Then she told me to change quickly and join the guest which are soon to be arrived.

I feel a bit under the weather due to my hectic schedule but I continued to behave fine by taking a pill for my cold.
As I was done getting dressed up , I was coming down through stairs.
And unconsciously stumbled on one and was about to take a fall when someone approached me and held my tiny waist protectively.
I looked in my saviour's eye and couldn't stop my self from admiring their beauty.
I didn't blink nor did he.
He looked too tall than me. He was at a close proximity.
That I could count his pulse rate.
His hands delicately wrapped around my clothed waist.

I felt magical in his presence and his orbs made me loose my sanity.
Unknowingly a small smile crept on my face which didn't go unnoticed by him.
But the smile vanished in the thin air within micromilliseconds,when I saw my dad coughing and then staring at us like how a bull sees red.

I detached myself from him and felt a bit lonely.
Let's go guys , the dining area is this way,if you forgot yn. Jungkook dear,come here. I will guide you.My dad said furiously.

Opps,you're gone yn. Atleast the guy is worth it. Lets reach the hall quickly before the volcano erupts.

I sat on the chair beside my mom and could see my dad giving me those "daddy's special" glares.

I want to kick myself for the earlier accident. Dad is definitely not gonna forget about it.

So ladies and gentlemen, here comes the thing which we are gathered for--

I couldn't care less about what my mom is saying because all my attention was on him.

He looked so calm and luxurious.
Just like the Rolex watch he's wearing,it's the new exclusive one I've seen on their shop while buying one for dad.
His tuxedo looks posh too. He's all glitters.

But not all glitters are gold ,said the devil yn in my mind.
Moreover who wants gold when he's a FUCKING GEM.

Meanwhile,I was enjoying the fancy thoughts and my wild fantasy creating amazing scenes but I ignored them and payed attention about the announcement my mom was giving.

It was going all good but when she was about to end the conversation, I couldn't believe what she said.

My ears might have betrayed me or my senses is malfunctioning.

Because no way in the hell would she say this.
Or whatsoever meant it.

I looked her in the eyes and those were shining brightly.

Then I turned towards my dad and his were as stunned as mine.

Can someone explain, what the fucking freaking fuck happened just now.

I felt like being in a pickle out of the blue.
Oh goddnesssssssss!
Just kill me now, somebody.

UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN !Where stories live. Discover now