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Y/N pov:

I unknowingly slept and woke up  because of nightmare. My hands were sweaty and I was shivering.

It took a minute or go to come back at my normal state. I nearly had a myocardial infarction.

Wanna know the reason. A cute little boy sitting beside me was staring at me now.
He might be some 6-7 years old. And I got a little scared watching him coming here out of nowhere.
I mean who will send their kid here?at this time! No parents will allow that!


He was looking at me more like observing me keenly.

I wanted to ask him why is he here but I didn't.
He for a second smiled at me and then frown.

Guess I really don't know how to understand a kid.I waved my hand infront of him and smiled a bit.

Maybe it didn't reach my lips. Because he didn't reciprocate the feelings. But he is looking so damn cuteee right now.

I can't stopped myself so I asked him,"Hey,what are you doing here at this time?"He didn't replied. May be he didn't understood what I said.

So I tried to make some hand gestures. What if he is deaf or maybe mute. My instincts are very fast so without me knowing they worked on their own.

I am not deaf nor mute,it's just you look funny and dumb to me. So I am processing how to address you! Ouch that hurts!
I look funny? What the hell. I literally look like a dead zombie who is so depressed in life and here this kid thinks I am funny. Like for real this kid just broke my cardiac! Kids nowadays!
I muttered in my breath.

I really don't care about my looks , so answer me about the question I asked.

Maybe he was thinking what to answer. He looked focused now.
Still processing in that little brain.

Could you repeat the question, Mrs dead zombie who is so depressed?

I was asking.... Wait what did he called me,how did he know that? Can he read mind?How can he? Who is he? A ghost? How can a kid be ghost? Wait ghosts can be kid too. Arghhhhhhh......

You can call me rowoon or rowoonie. But I prefer rowoonie more.I hope till now you have guessed that I am a ghost. If not then you are really dumb!

I was speechless. I am not only depressed but also a maniac too. May be I should visit a psychiatrist soon.

Are you sure,you are a ghost and I can see you? I said without showing him that I am frightened as hell.

It's the opposite of jimin's message. I should've been a ghost but here the ghost had came to visit me.

Yes, Mrs dead-- and I stopped him then and their. Usually I never talked much with others nor do I greet a kid in my 7 years of experience till now. I was just confused as too why am I able to see him?. Who is none other than a ghost.

He smiled and shifted from his seat , landing on my lap. And hugged me before continuing his sentence which really shocked me. And I was jungshook for a second!

Uncle han pov:

As I was searching for rowoon about an hour now I saw him in the cafeteria.

But to my suprise he was not alone.
Their's someone with him.

I went there taking big steps.

UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN !Where stories live. Discover now