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Y/N pov:

Hey granny all's well right? I asked as it was too late to call me. Hope their's no kind of emergency.

My senses went on alert mode.

No darling,relax. I just wanted to have a talk with you. She spoke calming me.

I ON the stove keeping the water in an utensil and waiting for it to boil.

Yeah sure. What do you want to talk about? I questioned.

Ynaah,you really became a grown up and matured woman so fast that sometimes I remember the cute little baby and her big mischiefs. I want you to know that I'm so,so proud of dear. And congratulation for running a hospital with spontaneity and humanity. Because not all doctors treat a patient like their own. You came so far and with every step I've seen your hardwork. So keep going my love and Granny's always got your back.
Her words reached my heart squeezing it with a great pressure.
As so many tears left my eyes and made me a crying mess.

These were the words I was dying to listen from someone. And the correct person said it.

As the water boiled,I added the tea powder and sugar while muttering a small thankyou.

My emotions were at the verge which made it difficult for me to spell words more than just a mere THANK YOU.

Saying an I LOVE YOU,we ended the call.

I sat near the cafeteria and took a sip of the warm TEA.

I looked at the waiting area were most of the patient's family sits. It was empty.

I wondered what would be their thoughts after sitting on a seat and waiting for their loved one to return back as healthy as they were originally.

It might even be devastating to sit their and wait for someone who's dead already.

And it might be utterly euphoric to wait and watch a new member they invite in this world.

So many emotions gets played on those empty seats.
Yet those faces are unknown and nobody knows what's kept infront of their fate.
This is what life is!
Sweet and Sour.

The rain is still falling and I look at those drops getting lost on it's own.

Ever wondered why after a rain we get to see a rainbow?
Why not before rain?

Because the glory is not in the happiness but in the pain.

The good time can only be achieved after experiencing a fall.

The pain can only be felt if you try,if you fail,if you rise again,then fall again,and then succeed just like a RAINBOW.

7 colours making a beautiful art.

I too want to be a rainbow in someone's life.
That even after all their pain, I help them to rise again like a RAINBOW.

Just like me, do someone else also want to be a RAINBOW?

Can someone come to me as a RAINBOW in my life too?

As I slurp on my tea,these thoughts swims in my head keeping me busy.

In the hospital room------->

Rowwon,I know you're a good boy so come on take these medicines too. Dr. Jin said as he gave up on the thought of  making the boy drink his medicine.

No,Dr. Jin. These medicines make me vomit. I will not take them. Rowwon said stubbornly.

My boy,if you don't take them then how will you feel better. Said uncle han who's a personal bodyguard of rowoon.

Dr, you give these medicines to me I will make sure he takes them. As Uncle han declared it the doctor left the room feeling offended.

Dr. Jin is kids favourite but I guess he needs some time to work his magic on rowoon.

Uncle hannnnn,rowwon don't want to take these tasteless medicines. He pleaded whilst uncle han had an idea to work with this medicines.

If you don't take them then I will complaint to your kook. Is it okay? He practically blackmailed the poor child by pressing on the number in the cell Phone.

Uncle han, don't. I will have these medicines. But don't call him. The boy gave in only for uncle han to smirk in victory.

Nevertheless as uncle han came closer to give the medicines rowoon ran from his bed leaving uncle han dumbfounded.

Rowwon wait don't run. You might get hurt. Oh God this boy will be the death of me someday. Now where has he gone?
Uncle han blurted while being pissed off.
He ran everywhere in search of the boy,hoping for his safety.

Until he phone ranged and the one who shouldn't be calling him,called.

He knew he would be skating on ice if he picks up the call so instead of that he switched off the phone.

Now I have to find this boy as soon as possible.
Uncle han mumbled.

UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN !Where stories live. Discover now