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Someone's pov:

Son,is it really necessary for you to leave so soon. Atleast stay a night. The mother begged her son to stay.

Mother, if it was not needed you know I would've stayed. I have to stay beside him afterall he's my everything that's left. He told and left the house.

Ms.Cooper I want you to bring my passport,visa and ticket to Paris immediately before I enter my house. I ended the call before her irritating voice reaches my ears.

Its been a busy day. I called Mr. Han so many times still he didn't pick my calls.
And now as I try to call him again,it shows the phone is switched off.

Is everything alright their?
I need to hurry up and reach Paris as soon as possible.

God damit he's scaring me now.
Hope nothing goes wrong!

I got a call from my secretary.

Yes,Ms Cooper.
Sir,I've done what you asked me to do.


Sir before you end the call, I wanted to ask if I should also join you---

No need---

Sir I already bought two tickets.
Whom did you asked before using that little brain of yours.

I'm sorry sir but I can't cancel the ticket now.

Meet me at the airport sharp at 5 am and you will stay their only for a day. Got it?

Yes sir.

This woman knows how to boil my blood. Aish now I've to handle her too.

I drove to my house and settled on the couch with closed eyes.

All my attention is on the phone in a hope it will ring and I will talk with the person I deliberately want to meet right now.

I should just buy my own jet,so that I can go wherever I want without much hindrance.

Y/N pov:

The cool breeze hugged my body and tossed my hairs back.

I placed my hands out of the window and let the rain drop fall on my hand one by one.

I wanted to dance in the rain but thought about my reputation and crushed the will to do so.

It's not like I care about what people think about me but if I fall ill then granny will scold me and I will have to take those nasty medicines.

Moral of the story,it's better to watch the rain rather dancing in it.

People will be sleeping sounding at this hour whereas I'm observing the beauty of rain.

Fabulous yn!

I shouldn't have watched the news absent mindedly and see what the consequence is.

Meanwhile, I remembered the day when Jimin and I fought for a cheesecake which was the only one left in the cake shop.

It was raining heavily and we were stuck in a cake shop.

After quarrelling for an hour we came to a decision of sharing the cake.

I enjoyed eating the cake with him while it was lashing outside.

I miss those days when I was so free to do anything.

I might have changed to a matured woman but Jimin didn't altered his behaviour even a little bit.

And I don't want him to do so. He was a shrinking violet when we first met but as time passed he showed what an oddball he is!

While I was recollecting my memories,I heard my phone make a sound as if indicating a message from someone.

When I got to see who was the owner, I replied him right away.

Yn,are you awake? Jimin typed

Yess,what now?

Actually I was watching a horror movie and suddenly I saw you in the film. Wanna know her name?

Go ahead. I know what he's about to say.

Her name is NUN. She is cold like you and has a lot more humour than you ever had. He said making no sense.

Jimin, goodnight. And I wish you get killed my that NUN in your dream. I muttered going offline so that I don't get another silly message from him.

Let him come tomorrow then I will show what a NUN can do.

As I was thinking about something suddenly I felt my eyes heavy and sleep took me in.

UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN !Where stories live. Discover now