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Taehyung pov:

I searched everywhere and finally I saw jungkook carrying yn in bridal style.
I stepped towards them placing an appropriate thing in his pocket and giving him keys to one of my room in the hotel.

He nodded his head and left from there in hurry.
Yn was unconscious while her face looked in pain.

I felt bad for her.

Then I reverse my steps and reached y/f/n.
She sat on a empty chair near a pool.
The crowd lessen as it was the end of the ceremony.

Why did you planned to do it? I asked taking a seat beside her.

My mood wasn't calm and I was about to shout at her but her running nose and swollen red eyes changed my mind.

And to my suprise my voice came lighter than a feather.

She didn't spoke a word. I gave her time to calm down.

I just wanted to tease you a bit, as you didn't invite me personally.she said while wiping her tears with bare hands.

Her reason made me laugh internally!

I handed her my handkerchief which she took with a great hesitation.

And what after that? I asked as I was curious as to why would she choose something like this.

Nothing! that's it. She replied and I could see the tiny blush appearing on her cheeks.

You wanted to see me roam with a boner? I directly questioned to which she started fake coughing.

No...uhm .. not like that...uhh... I think...jimin.... must be searching for me....i shou----- before she could complete her sentence and vanish, I hold her wrist.

Inching closer to her while still keeping the hold on her wrist. I tilted my head and bought it closer to her right ear.

You surely aren't innocent, are you y/f/n? Wanted to give me a helping hand? I whispered with a husky voice not knowing what effect it will cause on her.

But I saw her shivering under my touch and I'm damn sure there's goosebumps all over her delicate skin.

I think my body is not in my control.
I'm doing things, I shouldn't be doing.

Speak something,y/f/n! I again whispered.

I love you.
Those three words were everything to drive me crazy.
How could she just say it?

Did she not wait for a right moment or something?

She's definitely crazy!

I was shocked and paralyzed.
My system malfunctioned.
Did I hear it properly?

I looked at her face and her eyes were close.
She looked heavenly!
A true magic!

But why is this damn heart beating so fast?
I could hear her raising heartbeats too!
Our rhythm is same!
It's a perfect match.

Taehyung-ah,can you come here please! My mother called me and I left her there itself with tingling sensation in my heart and my body.
This woman is a maniac!
My maniac!

Jimin pov:

Granny called me for the nth time and I don't know how to lie.
So this time I received the call.

Hey granny whats--

Where is yn? Why is she not picking her damn phone?Is she alr--

She's asleep and staying at y/f/n's house. She was tired so I insisted to let her sleep while we are in the car and her phone ran out of battery.

Ohk. Tell her to call me right in the morning. And if possible make a early visit too.

Sure granny, now you must sleep it's too late for you to be awake.

Yeah, goodnight jiminie!

Night granny!

Ufff! I thought she will suspect me of lying but lucky me. I felt bad lying to her.

But I can't really tell her the truth.

Yn,you better call her in the morning or else I don't know what will she do!

I must tell this to y/f/n.

Y/f/n pov:

What was that!
What the duck?
Holy moly shit!

I just said it. And he didn't even reply me back.

Oh what a stupid,idiotic person I'm!
Great now. I've embarrassed myself way to much infront of him.

But what was he actually doing?
His actions weren't normal.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
Damn this man to play with my mind and body!

But dear body,why were you responding to his touch in the way he wanted?
You traitor!

Suddenly, I saw jimin making his way towards me.

I need to tell you, something. He proceeded.

Y/n pov:

He brought me in one of the room and laid me on the bed.
He bent down and removed my sandals.

Jung--ko--ok it's pa--inin--g real ha-r-d. I cried in pain as it's getting worse after every passing minutes.

I know yn. There's only one way to lower your pain. He took a pause. And my patience already died so I grabbed his collar and kissed his lips.

At First he didn't responded me but gradually gave in later on.
Our lips moulded in a perfect sync.

He broke the kiss.
Yn, you have been given viagra in your drink. So you know we need to-----

Just do it jungkook. I can't handle this pain. It's already too much. And I again kissed him.
My brain has no clue about my actions.

I just let it be.
Because right now I'm out of control.

I roamed my hands on every inch of his body.
His eyes looked different.
I could see lust developing in them.

I unbuttoned first two buttons of his shirt as his blazer is already laying on the ground.

I brought him closer to me while nibbling on his neck.
I heard his manly moans. I bit on that sensitive point and voila I could see those hickeys marked by me.

I smiled proudly looking at them. He never said anything nor did he stop me from doing what I'm doing.

He's enjoying every bit of it!

I placed my hands on his jaw and neck and brought our lips closer to give him the best kiss ever.

One thing is sure,we both are driving eachother crazy!

UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN !Where stories live. Discover now