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The mixture of dark clouds painted with some white shiny stars. A beautiful scenary like this can be seen from the balcony of Choi's family.
Mrs Choi was touching her big belly with love and affection.
A touch of care,happiness and a lot more can be depicted.
She was due in few days.
They were soon to welcome a tiny guest in their huge house.
Everyone was excited,emotional, enthusiastic.

While Mrs Choi was busy taking in the view, Mr Choi wrapped his hands around the belly delicately from behind. Securing his precious people on earth with all that he has.
What are you keenly looking at ,honey? asked Mr Choi.
Nothing just that this sky looks like it has a lot to say. Hence I was trying to understand it by observing. She said something random to Mr.Choi.
Yaa, I know you are scared about giving birth to our angel. Although I know both you and our sweety are going to make it safe and sound. He said while placing his chin on her shoulder.
Reassuring her that he is their with them in all circumstances.

Just like a gentleman , he is.

Both waiting for the arrival of their LITTLE ONE.

Few days later:

As Mrs Choi was watering the plants in the garden , she got a sudden contraction in her lower abdomen.
When the pain was unbearable, she screamed Mr Choi's name for help.She was in extreme pain. It was unbearable.

The moment he saw her in pain and also the liquid that was flowing in between her thighs, he understood her water broke.
Within mere 15 mins they reached the hospital. And after some couple of time,the room heard loud cries of the baby girl born.
Mr Choi came inside hurriedly and took his baby in the arms.
Aegyo my baby how gorgeous you look just like your mom. She will grow even more prettier than now in the future.   
He smiled watching her.
Yaa, you pabo(idiot) give her to me. My Princess Grand daughter. Omo just look at her,so adorable.
Here came her grandma who snatched the baby from her son.
The baby immediately grabbed Grandma's finger and her father lovingly clicked a photo of it.
The mother was smiling from ear to ear.
Satisfied with the view infront of her.

They all were in a state of EUPHORIA............

Few days later :

Mrs Choi was swaying her baby , while mumbling babish words.
She with all her strength wanted to hear the baby pronounce MAMA as her first word.

Both parents were on a war regarding who-wins-the-first-word.
Blind by the fact that whoever wins the other partner is equally going to squeal in happiness.

The once silent house now remains the talk of the town with the beautiful baby girl they are blessed for the life.

The love has got no bounds when the little one adds tiny bit of it everyday in the CHOI'S FAMILY.

May they be away from all the evil eyes were the only concerns of  Mrs Choi.

She enjoyed her time with the baby.
Going through motherhood is a new feeling,she definitely engraved. From cooking  new recipe to keeping the house extra clean was now one of her habits.

She loved pampering her daughter while her husband loved spoiling the little one with being a partner in crime.

Everything was joyous.
They played together.
They had bedtime stories together.
They made sand castles together.
They did every possible thing together as a little FAMILY they were.

Days turned into weeks and weeks flewd into years.
The beautifully molded sculpture had attracted many spectators but to none she payed attention.

Always focused in her curriculum she opted to make a fortune with.

Talent can be a mere word infront of her.

Blessed with skills from both the parents,she was epitome of perfection.

She had those browns orbs, one can melt in it. Her long hairs had been curled naturally.The skin had a whitish essence. The imperfect smile that could kill any lover. A not so tall but dominant personality that she carried needed a round of applause.

Determined and careful with every step, she was her father's little don.
Adamant and Childish,she was her mother's little idiot.

Although kept away from a secret that was yet to be forbidden by her. They gave their everything to keep her safe.
As lotus bloomed in a mud so was she.

She bloomed in a family that had blood sprinkled all around their body.
Unaware with such a fact she was born and brought up in a house that had numerous invisible death bodies and death threats every now n then.

Still the house is always filled with laughter and love is spread in each n every corner.

Dad, I wanna visit grandma. You promised me, when I turn 18 year old I could travel at her doorstep.  Y/N said with puppy eyes.Hope is all that could be seen in those pearls.

FYI my darling , your grandma lives in Paris. Do you have a passport or visa? He questioned me.

I always listened to him it's his turn to return back the honour. I stomp to my last option i.e. my not-so-sweet-mom.

If I cry a bit may be she will request dad to let me go.

As I was about to implement my plan their she turned her head towards me and gave me a stare that said don't-even-try-me.

I am going to meet my grandma and that's final.

I might just give her a call and ask for help.

But before I could do so dad yelled my name from the hall and I hurriedly ran towards him stepping out of the kitchen.

What now? I asked still being a little upset from our earlier chat.

Could you just bring my specs that I kept on the desk in my bedroom. As a responsible kid I followed his order.

I couldn't believe my own eyes when I saw what was kept on the desk.

Their lies my visa, passport and a ticket to Paris and behind me stood dad. Folding his hands, leaning on the door with a huge grin plastered on his hansome face.

I gave him a bone crashing hug for the best gift he suprised me with.
And thanked him a million times.

Mom as usual watching us from her vision giving me a beautiful smile.

Cherishing the father-daughter moments in her memories.

I like the way she loves watching us. Her small happy family.

This is what a family is.
You laugh when they laugh.
You cry when they cry.
Together you are articulated from the roots of all the emotions.
Tied in a knot that is never to be broken.

We had the dinner and I packed my bag ready to meet my beloved granny.
Also equally excited for the solo trip.

Only if she knew that she is been kept on a 24/7 watch. And her every step is calculated and protected. She might feel as an independent bird but actually her cage is kept invisible for her eyes.

Her father is overprotective towards his little baby girl. He won't stand a chance when it comes to her safety.

Afterall she is the daughter of a well known and most feared MAFIA.

UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE AGAIN !Where stories live. Discover now