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Y/N pov:

What on the freaking fucking Elizabeth mystery has happened on the earth. Why the hell she looks like a mixture of a nun and dead zombie. Her eyes are all red with dark circles a shade darker than black itself. Face is pale and her hair is messy af.

Did she woke up from a nightmare and directly ran here?
Although she gives zero fucks about looks.

Oh goodness, whatever must be the reason give me the strength to balance her and my peace of mind.

Let's talk inside,shall we? I motioned her towards the door and told to get in.

She was quite the whole time unlike her usual clumsy attitude.
The talkative girl has now became closer to a mute.

What a day, Namjesus!

Here,have this glass of wine. It might help you to open up. Even though I m angry on you for getting lost in the woods for a month,but afterall you're my only friend after jimin! I blabbered meticulously.

Yn, can I ask you a simple question? She said with those puppy eyes.
Which gives the indication,she had cried for a silly reason.

Go on, I said while slurping the tea.
Do you lov-- no umm...do you like KIM TAEHYUNG?
I spit the tea on her face and coughed my lungs out. Was that even a question? Who talks such nonsense in the morning? Me n Kim Taehyung? No way!

She wipped her face with the bare hands while holding the wine glass untouched.

Y/f/n,are you serious? Don't tell me you came here to ask me this,did you? Have you gone nuts? How can you think about it? The answer is NOOOOOOOOOO,a hundred times no. I don't like that man nor do I love him. He's just a good creature, I ve met so far. Nothing less,nothing more. I vomitted whatever felt right.

I saw her taking a breathe of relief.
But why would she think so?
Before I could ask her,she rose from her seat and flew away.
Without saying a goodbye nor the answers to my questions.
Why is she my friend at the first place?
Such a weirdo!
Idiot dumbass!

Atleast should ve tasted the wine. Let her come next time, wait n watch what I do.

Mr.Jeon pov:

Hey buddy,how about I make those dumplings some other day? Because I don't ve the needed ingredients,but I didn't told him so.

No,I want to eat dumplings only. If no dumplings then I might sleep with an empty tummy. He said furiously while continuing with his work.
Empty tummy, seriously? He just ate a whole pack of chips plus the milkshake n icecream we had.

I cursed myself for not making the list and filling the cart with things that came in view.
I might loose the marbles by thinking what to do now.

Since the rain is lashing outside,I can't even leave rowwon alone and bring the ingredients.

Meanwhile the doorbell rang and I went to open the door.

Their stood the person I m green with envy. Nevertheless this time she carried a box which looked like a lunch box and another giant one too.

She looked at me with bizzare eyes as I kept her standing outside for more than a second.

However I felt a small push and boom!
Rowwon was in her arms.
She drives me up the wall,everytime we meet.

And now I watch rowoon eat the dumplings while yn feed him with her own hands.

The scene made me melt a bit yet I tried hard keeping a straight face.

Rowoon darling eat slowly, I m not going anywhere nor the food. She said with love and care in her voice and eyes.

I kept fudgeling infront of them however in reality I too want to be involved.

After a hour or go she was done and rowwon was fast asleep.

Now it was just "US".

I should get going also I ve kept another box on the kitchen counter which contains HAWAIIAN PIZZA,eat it. She said while walking towards the door.

I stopped her by holding her arms from behind.
She stumbled but I caught her. As the action were so quick I didn't realise the distance between us has decreased alot.

She is too close it makes me go insane.
I tried to move even closer. My brain has no control on my moves. I m going in the wrong direction yet it feels right to me at this instance.

Y/N pov:

Don't come near me, or else--" he cut me in the middle and said ,"or else what are you capable of doing Dr. Y/N , run away again just like last time?" He trapped me between him and the wall while his hot breath fanned on my neck giving me chills throughout my spines.

I just wanted to thank you for the dumplings but guess what you got some attitude in your nerves. He blabbered while his eyes wandered all over my body.
He kissed me on my jaw line ever so softly I felt light like a feather.

He gave me sloppy kisses down my neck till he reach my breast. While his hands roamed on the parts of my body I forgot existed.

His one hand slides down between my thighs. Erupting a bunch of butterflies and volcanoes in my stomach, all at once.

Oh goodness, I shouldn't ve wore a skirt today.
His one touch got me wet like the fucking rain pouring outside.

But his actions stopped when I started getting the feel.

"If you don't want me to take you down here itself then stay away from my business and rowwon too, you get that butterfly!" He said pressing his body on mine with each word. Giving me a kiss on my earlobe.

"As if I m interested in you and your fucking business! Nevertheless you can't separate me from rowwon."
He just smirked.

He knows he has some effect on me , but I am not that weak to fall for him.

Whatever happened it was my past , I would make sure to erase you from my present and never see you again in my future.

I stomped my foot away from his house and settled on my couch breathing heavily.

What the hell just happened?

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