Chapter 3

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"Bambam, I'm sorry. I'm so fucking tired, and I really only get half of what you're saying... Let me know if it's something important, alright?",

Lisa interrupted her friend's flow of speech.
Her childhood friend Bambam nodded in understanding.

"What's the reason this time?"


Lisa admitted with a crooked grin as Bambam laughed at her. The two were sitting on a bench in the schoolyard.
Bambam then reached into his pocket, took out cigarettes and offered Lisa one.
She just shook her head. She didn't like the taste of tobacco, and even worse was the burning sensation in her throat when smoking.

"Sorry bro, I really don't like it."

He just grinned.

"More for me~"

The two sat comfortably outside in the light spring rain, silent. Finally, Bambam slowly blew out the smoke through his nose.

"I knew that you would hesitate, but don't you want to ask about her?"

Lisa looked at the ground.

"It's been over a year. Damn, Bambam, I was new at this school. I'm over it by now."

Lisa knew Bambam didn't believe her. He had known her too long and too well. Still, he didn't follow up, and Lisa was more than grateful for it. She had no desire to get emotional.
Bamam's ringing phone broke the pleasant silence.
He blinked apologetically at his friend, but Lisa just shrugged.

"Go take it."

Bambam didn't hesitate and took the call.

"Jackson?... Oh my God, what? Yes... No, I'm with Pokpak. Yes, I'm coming."

He hung up and grinned towards Lisa.

"He fucked up? Again?"

"Something like that, I think. I have to quickly go and save him from being expelled from school. If I understood him correctly, the principals phone was found with him... Don't wait for me.",

he explained, pressed the cigarette into her hand and quickly ran back to the school building.
A little overwhelmed, Lisa looked at the cigarette. She didn't smoke, her only two attempts had convinced her that it just wasn't her thing. But simply trowing them away seemed quite wasteful.

She just shouldn't have stood around like this for so long.
She was on the school grounds. An obviously burning cigarette in her hand. It was clear that sooner or later she would be caught. Most of her classmates probably wouldn't have cared. It wasn't like anyone knew her name, at least that's what Lisa thought.

But suddenly Jennie stood in front of her, not saying anything at all. Then she looked down slowly.

Lisa didn't feel guilty at all. She knew she hadn't done anything wrong.
Yes, smoking was against school rules. However, holding a lit cigarette wasn't.
Oh fuck it, it wasn't like anyone would believe her if she said she hadn't smoked...

"I'm sure smoking is prohibited on school grounds, Lalisa Manoban. I guess you should accompany me inside."

Lisa sighed, then stubbed out the cigarette and disposed it.

"Should I? Maybe I didn't smoke."

Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Then you surely want to explain why you have a lit cigarette with you. Which pretty much looks like someone took a pull from."

Lisa opened her mouth, then closed it immediately.
No matter how much she hated being embarrassed in front of the arrogant princess, no matter how much she wanted to knock the smug look out of the girl's face, there was no way she would ever betray Bambam.
In addition, he still had a pretty good reputation. Lisa not. Not anymore.
And she didn't want the same for Bambam. So she remained silent while Jennie walked back to the building.

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