Chapter 59

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The end of the school year was a little hectic, but unlike last year, Lisa didn't spend her free time holed up in her room, lost in the endless expanses of the Internet, or escaping Rosé's attempts to cheer her up.
Whenever she wasn't studying for tests, which wasn't too often anyway, she spent time him either Rosé, or Jennie. Or as a group of four with Jisoo. She also often met up with her other friends.

She also met her father a few times and got to know his boyfriend. He was nice and talked to Lisa, but kept a low profile so that she could enjoy the time with her father.
The latter offered her to move in with him, again.
Again, Lisa turned him down.

With her mother it was... still complicated.
They got in touch. Chitthip showed interest and even had relatively regular contact with Jennie. It felt strange.

But despite her efforts, Lisa wasn't ready to forgive her yet. Jennie assured her that it was okay. Lisa should take as much time as she needed to forgive her. But she was also under no obligation to ever forgive her.

Jennie and Lisa had been dating for almost a month now.
Things weren't perfect, but Jennie made her happy. They worked on their relationship together and were there for each other when they were feeling down. Most importantly, they trusted each other.

Slowly but surely, the end of 12th grade was approaching. All classes threw parties, and the 12th grade party planned by Rosé was especially popular. Mainly because there was more than enough good food.
In class, the teachers let the students slack off and gave fewer assignments, and the students spent more time talking to each other in class about who was throwing what party and where they were going on their next vacation.

"Have you ever been to Paris?"

Jennie suddenly asked in math after she had finished her homework. She put her pencil down and looked at her girlfriend intently. Lisa, who was still working on her last assignment, looked up in surprise.

"Not yet. Why?"

Jennie smiled hopefully.

"Would you accompany me to Paris for summer vacation?"


Jennie laughed at Lisa's perplexed expression.

"My mom takes me on a two week vacation every summer. And she kind of wants to apologize for the way she reacted when I came out. To you, too. That's why she offered to invite you."

"We're going to Paris with your mother?",

Lisa asked, grimacing.

"Actually, I'd like to. I really do. But... the two of us with your mother? I don't know if I really feel comfortable with that.",

she admitted.
To her relief, Jennie didn't seem to be hurt by her words.

"I know.",

she said simply and smiled.

"That's why I'm inviting Jisoo and Rosie. Eomma has known Jisoo forever. I'm sure she'll understand and accept our relationship more quickly if she can see that it's completely normal for others too."

Lisa was thrilled.

"I'm coming with you!",

she decided.
Then she suddenly froze.

"Two whole weeks... If your mom is there, we can't have sex - ow!"

Lisa rubbed her arm while Jennie glared at her.

"We're at school!",

she whispered firmly.

"The teacher has just left anyway. And our classmates are all busy with themselves."

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