Jennie's weekend was uneventful.
Her parents were not home, and Jennie had used the weekend to study, relax, and plan details of the fundraiser. She had talked to a secretary of the mayor, who was now invited for the first evening, had consulted with a small local band about performing, and arrangements were made with the caterer to send some food trucks for the party.She went for a walk with Kuma, read, started a new series on Netflix.
She definitely didn't kept watching the video on her phone. From Lisa. How she danced in a sports bra and sweatpants.
Dancing well, mind you.Well, obviously she had watched it. Obviously a few too many times.
She had lain in bed with Kuma, caressing him, practically watching the video on continuous loop.
Not only did she notice how well Lisa could dance, and that she should definitely perform at the benefit concert.
Maybe Jennie could persuade her to do so....She also noticed how thin Lisa was. Was that still healthy? Was she eating enough?
Jennie really didn't want to judge too quickly, maybe it really was just Lisa's physique, but the more she watched the video the more she worried about whether Lisa was eating enough.
She also remembered the conversation with Lisa when the younger girl reacted so sensitively when Jennie mentioned her parents.
Did Lisa have a hard time at home?
Were her parents poor after all? Then why did she have a motorcycle?
Was she getting enough to eat?
Was she maybe even beaten by her parents?Jennie worried way too much, or maybe it was justified. Problematic behavior in children and teenagers usually had a family background, didn't it? Maybe Lisa needed help to free herself from these bad family circumstances.
After she had spent about an hour thinking about what she could do for Lisa, and had watched the video, she finally ran into the kitchen.She must have spent two hours in the kitchen before she finally had two ready-made lunches in front of her, with rice, kimbap, chicken and lots of roasted vegetables.
While she was happy about it in the first moment, she regretted it in the next.
How could she give Lisa a bento box without looking weird?
Why would Lisa even accept it?"Kuku..."
Jennie whined softly as she hugged her dog.
"You have to help me Kuma, should I just give her the bento box tomorrow or is that weird?",
she whispered and gently kissed his head. Unfortunately, she didn't get an answer from him, which is why she thought about it even a few hours later when she was already in bed.
The decision was taken away from her by the fact that Lisa was not in math class on Monday, and the teacher happened not to be there yet either.
The students were whispering excitedly among themselves, and Rosé looked worried."What's wrong?"
Jennie asked as she sat down with Jisoo, Irene, and Nayeon.
"If I understood correctly, someone trashed the gym, but really bad. Lisa was called to the principal's office.",
Nayeon replied quietly, while Jisoo nodded in agreement. Jennie widened her eyes.
"Gym... trashed? How much? When?"
"Slashed balls and mats, paint, broken mirrors in the locker rooms. Stuff like that."
Nayeon explained.
Irene nodded thoughtfully."Supposedly they have evidence that it must have been Lisa. Which is weird, I mean sure, Lisa does a lot of shit, but vandalism? Like, real vandalism? Lisa never took it that far, it was always just something.... funny?"
Jennie thought quietly.
Lisa had a key. Was that why they thought it had to be her? On Friday, Jennie had been in the gym with Lisa, everything looked fine then. There was nothing damaged, Jennie had made sure of that before she had left the gym with Lisa.
She had even watched Lisa lock the door.
Jennie's eyes met Rosé's, who was sitting restlessly in her seat, looking at her phone every few seconds.
Without thinking further, Jennie left her friends behind and went to Rosé.

I Hate U | Jenlisa
FanfictionLisa hated her. Everything about her. Fucking Miss Perfect. Rich parents, pretty face, good grades and by the way also the schools student representative. No matter how nice she was, Lisa hated people who always had everything and never had to worr...