Chapter 51

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"Yaaah! Unnie!"

Lisa only noticed in passing how Rosé literally threw herself at Alice to get her clothes back which her older sister had stolen from her. Alice laughed happily and began to poke Rosie in the sides, who squirmed and tried to punch her.

"I'm wearing these pants, Mini-Park, and there's nothing you can do about it. Muhaha! I'm sure they look better on me anyway!"

"Lisa-yaaaah, help me! I need the pants! I have to wear them under my dress!",

Rosie pleaded, actually getting Lisa's attention. Instead of helping, however, Lisa grinned and took a photo.
Rosie looked like she wanted to choke her.

"I'll remember that, Manoban!",

she growled, having finally managed to escape her sister's tickle attacks. Along with her pants, surprisingly enough.

"That took me at least 15 minutes. I wanted to use the time to look for makeup ideas on Pinterest.",

she mumbled.
Alice grinned.

"I can do your makeup.",

she suggested, and laughed when Rosé just looked at her suspiciously.

"Hey, don't look like that! You know how I did my make-up for parties when I was your age, don't you? And in Australia, I do half my friends' make-up. I'm really good."

Rosie pouted.

"You're just going to paint a dick on my face."

"That was once, and it was when you were asleep.",

Alice defended herself immediately.
Without hesitation, Lisa ran out of her room.

"Wait, what? You drew a cock on her face?",

she asked, grinning at the two sisters.
Alice nodded.

"I can send you pictures."

"Yah! Don't you dare. And now do my make-up, then maybe I'll forgive you for being a sadistic older sister."

Lisa, who had now finished dressing, watched as Alice skillfully applied make-up to her younger sister, somehow managing to make her already pretty face look even better.
Lisa sat down next to Rosé.

"My turn, Unnie.",

she demanded.
Alice smiled at Lisa.



Jennie walked through the school, which looked so different than usual.

Luckily the weather was good, so the marquees weren't really necessary, but Jennie still felt better having them there.
It smelled like food already, and the more or less self-appointed student DJs had the music playing at full volume, going through the playlist and bawling along to it.
It was fun and harmless, plus it was a fun way to test the speakers, so Jennie let them be.

As student representative, it was her duty to make sure everything went perfectly, but for the first time since she became student representative, she decided to put her pleasure first. She called Irene, who was already dressed.

"You're already done, right? Would you continue to make sure everything goes smoothly for me? I want to get ready already."

Irene nodded immediately.

"You're getting all dressed up to impress Lisa?"

Jennie couldn't have hidden her huge grin if she'd tried, so she simply nodded. Irene laughed.

"Then what's with you wanting to get to know her properly before you make any rash decisions? Have you gotten to know her fully in the last week?"

Jennie hesitated, then shook her head.

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