Chapter 57

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It would have been easier for Jennie if the days leading up to the group date had passed smoothly and without any particular incidents. Without having the bitter feeling that she was betraying Lisa.

The beginning of the week had gone so well.

After the students slowly got over their shock, most of them accepted the relationship between Jennie and Lisa. Many classmates came up to them and congratulated them, some thanked them for feeling encouraged to come out too.
All the teachers who spoke openly about it made it clear that they would support them and would not tolerate any homophobic statements in their lessons.
And Jennie managed to ignore the rest quite well.

Namjoon was able to announce the record amount of money raised on Tuesday. As predicted, it was by far the best fundraiser in school history, despite the slight increase in expenses. In addition to a record amount, there have never been so many guests.
Lisa was also officially made an honorary member of the Student Council.

Jennie was already sure on Wednesday that it was one of the best weeks of her life. But perhaps she should have guessed that she was getting a little ahead of herself.

On Wednesday night, just before Jennie's parents said goodbye, her mom took advantage of her time off and sat Jennie down to apologize.

A genuine apology.

She knew she had been wrong and explained that she didn't even really know much about homosexuality and that this new fact had scared her at first.
That she had been a little helpless, still was, but wanted to do her best to support Jennie in all her decisions, even if she didn't understand, and perhaps never would.
Jennie gave her a long, deep hug while the two of them sat on the couch and comfortably watched series before her mother finally had to leave in a hurry so as not to miss the next flight.

As soon as Jennie's parents had left, Lisa came over for a few hours.

Now that the shame of the first time was gone, they were both more hasty. Greedier. And above all more self-confident.
Jennie enjoyed having the house practically to herself more than ever, and she enjoyed losing herself in Lisa's touch even more. In passionate kisses full of lust, as well as gentle and sweet emotional kisses.
Lisa just felt perfect.

Jennie was blindsided when she received a message on Instagram on Thursday morning.
A message from someone she knew, albeit not personally.

She hesitated before replying and was lost in thought for the whole school day, which wasn't exactly inconspicuous.
Lisa took her aside during the break so they could have some peace and quiet.

"Is everything all right, Nini? You seem... A little out of it."

Jennie nodded.

"I'm fine. I'm just facing a dilemma."

"Tell me!"

Jennie hesitated a little too long, so Lisa gently took her hand to reassure her a little.

"You don't have to tell anything. Or you just tell me bits and pieces."

Jennie sighed wistfully.

"It's about a decision I have to make. I... no matter what I choose, it could turn out horribly. I just can't seem to decide which wrong is the right wrong."

Lisa looked at her in confusion for a few seconds, then smiled uncertainly.

"Can you explain the problem a little further? What is it about?" What kind of decision?"

"I... I can't tell you.",

Jennie replied quietly.
Lisa nodded in understanding.

"And you don't have to. I still want to help you. What are the consequences of bad decisions?"

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