Chapter 10

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Jisoo threw herself on the much too large king-size bed and sighed contentedly while Jennie still petted her dog.

"You won't let me move in by any chance?"

Jennie laughed a little and sat down next to her, taking the brown Pomeranian onto her lap.

"I told you, you can come over anytime, Unnie. And don't pretend my bed is that much better than yours."

Jisoo nodded and turned to her.

"So? What's up?"

Jennie smiled weakly and pulled out her phone. After entering her password, she handed it to her slightly older friend.


she said dryly, biting her bottom lip while watching Jisoo's reaction. Jisoo widened her eyes and looked at the Instagram post for a few seconds, then continued scrolling.

"Damn. Jennie, that's fucking creepy.",

she murmured and handed her back the phone. Jennie herself also looked at the pictures again. She could be seen in all six pictures posted. In the hallways of the school. Hell, she could partially remember the moments.
One of the photos must have been taken on Monday last week after she had that stupid math competition against Lisa and came out of class a little annoyed. In the photo, she is turning to Jisoo and saying something, clearly in a bad mood. Other photos show her normal, actually relaxed face.
Jennie realized that she obviously has a resting bitch face. At least she doesn't look friendly in the photos, and the hate account commented on her facial expression accordingly. The most disturbing thing was that some photos were taken up close, less than five meters away from her.

"Jennie. You really should talk to the Headmaster. This is fucking stalking."

Jennie sighed and flopped onto her bed, right across Jisoo's legs.

"I know Unnie. I feel so uncomfortable walking around school by myself now.",

she admitted.
It wasn't an exaggeration. If she had previously felt stared at, subjected to the judgmental stares of her classmates, it was at least ten times worse since she found the Instagram account.
Jennie got goosebumps and cold fingers just thinking about how some Creep managed to take pictures of her every week without Jennie noticing. She avoided walking the hallways alone, avoided going to the bathroom simply because she couldn't shake the feeling that a camera was trained on her.
She felt naked.

"Not to the Headmaster. We should go to the police...",

Jisoo mumbled, but Jennie shook her head.

"We both know that there isn't much they could do about it. We should try to find the person ourselves somehow..."

"Very funny Jendeukie. And how do you think we could do that? Whoever took the picture was practically right next to you, and you didn't realize it. What if there are several people?"

Jennie didn't even realize she was biting her nails until Jisoo gently touched her hand. Jennie dropped it on her lap.

"I have no fucking idea. Stuff like that is usually your responsibility, you know?",

Jennie grumbled as she grabbed a pink squeaky toy for Kuma and played with him for a few seconds to distract herself.
Then she let her dog have the toy and just continued to watch him.

"Help me, Jisoo-Unnie. I don't know who to trust anymore...",

she finally whispered helplessly. Jisoo moved to her and hugged her as gently as possible.

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