New Mission

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Authors note- Just before this story begins I'm going to note their will be graphic depictions of injuries and torture. I'm mentioning this as I will not be putting notes before those parts so if this is something you don't like or makes you uncomfortable please read carefully or stop here.

Now that's done hope you enjoy the book with these twists and turns. More cameos and way more references to my previous books.😉🤭



Jisung slammed a man's faces through a glass window. He dodged another as a fist came swinging at him from another angle. Turning round he swung his own fist connecting with the man's chin and knocking him back. The man fell to the ground and the last thing his saw was Jisung's foot swinging towards him before he laid flat on the floor out cold.

Jisung wiped his mouth and spat out blood speckled spit onto the ground as he looked at the two men sprawled out. He turned around and walked away as the red and blue lights lit up the street with wailing sirens filling up the noise in the air.

"And once again The Angelic Demon strikes" a man sat in a chair clapped his hands as Jisung walked in the room.
"Stop calling me that" Jisung said as he pulled out a chair to sit on.
"Oh come on Jisung. That is the nickname that has you feared by many gangs" the man said.
"Doesn't mean I have to like it" Jisung complained as he wiped his mouth with a tissue staining it red.
"Well anyway I have a new assignment for you" the man got straight to the point.
"What! I was told after this assignment I got 2 weeks off" Jisung argued.
"Well things change and you don't need time off anyway" the man said.
"Yes I do" Jisung said.
"And why's that?" The man raised an eyebrow.
"My mental health" Jisung said seriously.
"What mental health? Yours went long ago" the man stared at Jisung who rolled his eyes and sunk into the chair knowing he wasn't getting his way.

"So as I was saying you have a new mission" the man said and pulled out a folder from a drawer and threw it on the table sliding it over to Jisung.
"How long is it? Can I have it done by the weekend?" Jisung opened the folder to see pictures of people he had all but seen before.
"Have it done by the weekend. You won't have it done by the end of the week" the man said.
"What's the meaning of this?" Jisung held up the pictures and the man smiled.
"Your mission is to infiltrate the group Stray Kids and find out their plans and goals. Getting this information will get us ahead of them and we can finally wipe them out for good" the man said.
"And how do you plan on that? You know their guard is up they never let anyone new in. Even servants are heavily checked" Jisung asked.
"Don't worry I have a plan for that. The way your getting in they will never expect you to be working for the other team" the man smirked and Jisung knew something bad was going to happen.
Jisung took a sigh as he flicked through the photos once more.
"You have a problem?" The man asked more accusing than a question.
"Nothing really I just...I have a past with one of them" Jisung said.
"Will they recognise you?" The man asked blankly.
"No I've changed a lot since then. But if he did he doesn't know I'm in the gang and it could work in our favour" Jisung sighed looking at the photo of the one he once knew.

"Good you get the rest of today off and tomorrow morning I'll have you prepped" the man agreed and leaned back on the chair.
"How are you getting me prepped?" Jisung asked carefully.
"That won't concern you at the moment" the man looked straight at Jisung "your just going to have to trust me. Remember your my asset you do what I want".
He made an inhuman smirk and Jisung knew that one of two things could happen. Everything will be fine and go well or he will be in the most pain imaginable. He definitely thought it would be the latter.
"Do you understand me?" He looked.
"But I.." Jisung said.
"I'm being nice here. Don't make me force you do it. You are my asset. My weapon. You do what I want no questions asked" the man scowled.
"Yes Sir" Jisung nodded unwillingly, knowing the man's threat was well too real.

He threw down the photo and stood up leaving the room as fast as possible.

The man took back the folder on the table and grabbed the last photo Jisung had touched. The bright smile and freckles shone in the small light before disappearing into the darkness of the folder.

Jisung walked fast through the corridor and made it to his small room. As he went in he jumped onto the bed and laid down looking at the ceiling.
He sighed heavily. He wasn't in the mood for another mission but more the fact he had to infiltrate their enemies gang. Beating people up was one thing but having to act and sneak your way into another gang was a whole other ball park.
He knew his acting was not top notch but most of all out of all the illegal shit he had to do infiltration was the one thing he hated the most.
For infiltration you needed to constantly lie and be someone you aren't to suck up to them and Jisung hated it. Lying was something he never wanted to do. He promised a long time ago to never lie to the point of hurting someone's feelings. He had already broken it. More times than it could remember. Just thinking about it brought back sad memories from his past.

He laid his arm over his eyes to block the light out and closed his eyes trying to drift off to a happier place.

Jisung sat up with a start. He looked around to see everything was dark. Left, right, backwards, forwards everything was dark. All he could see was the small light illuminating him and the bed he was sat in. He swung his legs over the bed and touched the black floor. He stood up and took a few steps then swung back around. His bed was gone. Now he was in complete darkness.
He tried to call out but no noise came from his mouth. Trying again he held his neck but still nothing but silence echoed around him.
He walked forwards not knowing if he was heading anywhere when suddenly he heard a small noise to his right.
He looked over but still saw nothing in sight but decided to follow the noise. He didn't know how long he was walking before he came to a blue door. It looked brand new and freshly painted. He grabbed the door handle and watched as decay and rust began spreading its way through the door until it looked years out of its time.

Confused Jisung swung open the door and a blinding light blocked his vision. He closed his eyes to block it and when he opened them again he was in a new place.
It was a place he hadn't been in many years. A place embedded in his mind. A place he would never go back to again.
His breathing sped up. He could feel his heart beginning to beat faster as his feet stood frozen in place.
The small village didn't look any different than most other places but what you could see was never what it truly was.
Doors began opening and people began spilling out. Laughing. Smiling. Crying. All emotions surrounded him and Jisung felt his throat close up.

Everyone suddenly stopped. All emotions dropped from their faces as they all turned to look in the same direction. Red fell from the sky and in a flash disaster ensued. Screams and blood gushed from all around Jisung.
He tried to walk but his feet refused to move. His legs got shaky and he fell down to the floor while being forced to watch what was happening. He saw those he knew and loved running around with panic and fear in their eyes.

Jisung began crying. Hot tears gushed down his cheeks as he felt a cold hand reach down and touch his shoulder. He felt their hot breath on his neck and cold eyes burning into his skin.
"Aren't you a pretty one" their voice harsh with entertainment in their tone.
Jisung, his breathing now soft and hoarse tried to move away.
His frozen body kept him still as the hand grabbed his mouth and chest pulling him backwards back into the darkness.

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