Not where your meant to be

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Jisung was dragged throughout the doors of the building. He was confused. If he was heading to the main room where the boss should be he would be going the other direction but he wasn't. He was taken past that room towards one a couple more minutes away.
Down the corridor it was very plain and shabby with a streak of red down the wall to let everyone know it was a place of pain and blood.

The guard opened the door and Jisung was taken into the same room he had been when the man had tortured him. The boss didn't seem to be in the room. Only one other person was. Minho laid on the floor his arms and legs no longer bound as his head faced away from Jisung.
"MINHO" Jisung yelled at the guard threw him to the floor and left closing the door behind him.

Jisung stood up and rushed over to Minho and knelt in front of him.
"Minho." Jisung said again and watched the boys eyes flicker open. Minho groggily looked at Jisung but his eyes went wide as he saw him.
"Jisung!!!" Minho sat up quickly and flinched in pain as he did.
"Are you okay?" Minho looked at Jisung to see his arms bound tightly behind him. He reached forward and wrapped his arms round Jisung to get the rope off him them moved back.
"I'm fine" Jisung took a deep breath "but you. You utter idiot".
Jisung scowled.

"I left you a note. You were not meant to come after me especially with what had happened yesterday. It's like you were begging to get yourself killed" Jisung said not hiding his emotions.
"Jisung you didn't deserve to have to run away and hide yourself. I wasn't going to let you run away to be miserable" Minho said sadly.
"Why Minho why. You barely know me. What makes you think I'm so special that you need to run after me" Jisung said starting to cry.
"You're right I haven't spent much time with you but sometimes you don't need to spend a long time with someone to know you both click together" Minho said.
"Minho I was sent in your gang to get you all killed. I lied and lied and lied. And now I really am going to get you killed" Jisung let his tears roll down his cheeks as he looked away from Minho.

"Jisung look at me" Minho cupped his hands around Jisung's face and held it up "this might sound stupid but you're such a pure hearted person. Just watching you anyone could see that. It might seem a bit selfish but there is no chance I'm letting you go".
Jisung kept crying and Minho held him close to him ignoring the heavy pain in his body from where the knuckle duster had penetrated his torso.

The boys stayed wrapped around each other even when they heard the door open and multiple footsteps walking towards them.
Jisung felt his arms being grabbed and was ripped off Minho onto a pile on the floor.

"Awww what a beautiful reunion" Wahl stood in front of the two boys faking as if he thought what happened was very touching.

"Piss off you douche" Minhos voice was like acid.
"You still have energy I see" Wahl looked at Minho.
"You got me here. Now let him go" Jisung said looking up at Wahl.
"Hmmm how about no. I want him dead and I want you to suffer, I kill two birds with one stone" Wahl smiled manically.

"So. Who should I start with first?" Wahl clapped his hands.
He held his hand back and forth between the two boys playing a version of tic tac toe before landing on Jisung.
"Ding ding ding" Wahl said as the two men picked him up and held him tightly to stop him moving "your turn".
"LEAVE HIM ALONE" Minho yelled moving forward slowly but Wahl pulled his foot back and swung it forward kicking Minho right in the neck. Minho fell backwards clutching his neck struggling to catch his breath.

"Say that again" Wahl said as he punched Jisung in the stomach "hmm go on Minho say it again" Wahl threw another punch.
"You have no power anymore Minho. You and Jisung are both going to die here and nobody will come to save you" Wahl said as he got his knuckle duster out again and began punching Jisung over and over.
Wahl watched Jisung struggle to move and stood back putting away the knuckle duster. He was getting bored of it. Instead he pulled out a sharp knife and held the cold blade to Jisung's stomach.

Jisung had no reaction so Wahl began to press harder on the blade slowly etching into his skin. Jisung started to squirm until even the pain of the blade couldn't stop him from screaming.
"There we go. Let it hurt" Wahl said as he dragged the blade down Jisung's skin spilling blood down his body and onto the floor. Jisung screamed as his voice echoed around the room. As Wahl let go he saw Jisungs head drop down to his chest struggling to lift it up.

Wahl cupped the bottom of Jisung's face and held it up to look at him.

"Isn't this fun Jisung, My Angelic Demon. Are you ready to die?" Wahl said letting Jisung's head fall back down as his ragged breath slowly began to get worse.
"How poetic. I took you in and made you who you are and now you are going to die in this place" Wahl smiled looking at the two boys struggling to even get a breath.

"This is the correct way right?" Changbin asked as the group snuck their way through the compound.
"I believe so. I'm following Jisung's instructions to where the main room in the compound should be" Chan said as he carefully looked round corners.
"Do you think they are both okay?" Felix asked in the middle of the pack.
"I'm sure they are okay but let's worry about that when we get to them" Seungmin said knowing they were probably not okay.

"What's down there?" Hyunjin asked as they passed by a shabby looking corridor with a red streak down the wall.
"I don't know but let's keep to the mission shall we. Let's try not to get distracted" Jeongin said passing by it.
"Okay" Hyunjin said as they all walked past and away from the corridor with the red streak.

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