Back to the hell hole

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"That hurts" Jisung said his arms behind him with ropes tying his wrists together.
"If it was loose that would defeat the whole point of being 'captured' Jisung" Changbin said.

"Jisung remember we don't know what is going to happen in there. If we do not see any kind of movement between you or Minho within 30 minutes we are coming in guns blazing" Chan said.
"Shit plan" Changbin said in the drivers seat.

Only Chan, Changbin and Jisung were in the car as they were going to the front entrance. The rest of them took another vehicle to sneak round.
Luckily with Jisung being handed in by Chan and Changbin they also provide the distraction where everyone is focused on them rather than the rest of them who are sneaking in.

"We are sneaking in but we only have the layout of what you have told us about the building Jisung. If it gets to it we will need to break out by force but hopefully it won't get to that" Chan said.
"We just need to believe we hold the power to do this" Changbin encouraged.

"Go go Power Rangers" Jisung broke out in song and silence filled the car for a moment.
"We will rise up to the top" Changbin continued.
They both took a quick glance at Chan.
"No" Chan said.
"Yes. It will complete life" Jisung said.
"It will not complete life" Chan sighed.
"Do it" Changbin smirked looking through the mirror.
Chan took a deep sigh.
"Come on you know you want to" Jisung grinned.
"Go go power rangers" Changbin sang.
"Go go power rangers" Jisung continued.
"Mighty morphing power rangers" Chan finished.
"Whhooooooo" Changbins voice loudly echoed round the inside of the car while Jisung made very small clapping noises as he tired to clap his hands behind his back.

"Never doing that again" Chan said.
"Wow what a bore" Jisung booed.
"Well we are almost here anyway" Changbin said as he turned a corner placing the building into view "both of you better have everything ready as we do not get another chance".
Changbin pulled up outside the building and got out the car grabbing the keys and opening the door for Chan.
Chan go out and forcefully dragged Jisung with him out.
They could not show any sort of compassion, the plan must be executed perfectly or all is lost.

Jisung was dragged towards the front door where two guards were stood out front. They watched the three men approach and waited as Chan and Changbin stood holding Jisung in the middle of them.

"Halt" one man said holding his arm out while the other held his arm down showing a gun underneath his jacket.
"We caught Jisung. We are here to bring him to the Boss" Changbin was the first to speak.
One of the men stood forward and grabbed Jisungs face holding his head up to get a better look at him. He smirked and spat on Jisungs shoes.

"Good to see you back. Didn't think you would get caught did you?" the man smirked and grabbed Jisungs arm pulling him out of the grip of Chan and Changbin.
"What are you doing?" Chan asked trying to keep the alarm out of his voice.
"What does it look like i'm taking him to the Boss" the man said glaring.
"No we found him. We want to take him to the Boss" Chan said.
"Yeah we want recognition for it" Changbin said trying to convince the men to let them both pass.
"No. Did you not get the message. Based on the recent events, entry is strickly those working tonight we can't afford any sort of security breaches" the man said making sure Jisung's hands were tied tightly behind him.
"Go back. You may get your talk with the boss another day" the second man said as the other began dragging Jisung away from Changbin and Chan.

Unable to do anything else without breaking their cover both Changbin and Chan nodded and walked off calmly. They got in the car and slowly drove off and out of sight. The second they were out of view Chan looked a Changbin.
"Floor it" Chan ordered.
"It would be my pleasure" Changbin pressed firmly on the accelerator as they sped off quickly to the other end of the building where the rest of the gang should already be trying to sneak in.

"Ouch" Hyunjin said quite loudly.
"Shush" everyone looked at him.
Hyunjin held up his finger which he had caught on the metal fence they had cut through.
"Don't be a baby" Seungmin said.
"But it hurts" Hyunjin pouted.
"So will my punch if you don't be quiet" Seungmin said.

"If you both don't shut up and get us caught I'm going to haunt you all in life and death or worse I'm telling Chan" Jeongin said.
"Noooo don't tell Chan" Hyunjin whispered.

"We are looking for Jisung, Chan and Changbin. According to Jisung he should be taken to the main room in the house so we need to find our way there without being spotted" Felix said determined.
"And if we are caught" Jeongin asked.
"We try and subdue whoever it is if we can without any gunfire. One shot and it's all over, the whole place with go into a frenzy" Seungmin said.
"So which way should we enter" Hyunjin pointed in front of him "there the door there a few meters from us and one across the courtyard. Should we go in the closest?"
"Didn't Chan say something about this? One door leads to the main guards room and the other leads to a hall used in combat training" Seungmin said.
"The training room is not in use on evenings" Felix said.
"So which door?" Jeongin asked.
All the boys looked at each other waiting for someone to know.
"You have got to be kidding me!" Jeongin nearly yelled "does no one know!?!"
"Was nobody listening to Chan and Jisung?" Hyunjin asked in alarm.
"I was listening....I just can't remember" Seungmin shrugged.
"Shhhiiiiiittttttt" Felix clenched his teeth together in worry.

"Let's take a gamble. Flip and coin and whatever wins we choose" Hyunjin said.
"Are you insane?" Jeongin gasped.
"You got a better idea Mr Fox" Hyunjin asked.
"We got this far and the whole plan might to pot from a coin toss" Felix sighed.
"Should we call Chan"?" Jeongin asked.
"Dumbass. He should be in the building he won't have his phone" Seungmin said.
"Don't call me a dumbass" Jeongin said.
"Then don't say stupid things" Seungmin said.

"Jeongin. Cry" Hyunjin said.
"I'm sorry what" Jeongin looked at Hyunjin confused.
"Remember every time you look like you're going to cry Chan is lurking in a corner and always ready to give you hugs. It's scary how he's always there" Hyunjin said.
"You think Jeongin summons him?" Felix asked.
"Yep" Hyunjin put a thumbs up.
"Worth a shot" Seungmin said.
"What do you mean worth a shot. I don't summon Chan" Jeongin said.
"Doesn't hurt to try" Felix said.
"Well I don't have anything to cry about" Jeongin said.
The group went silent for a second.
"Oh I know. Peaches" Seungmin said and Hyunjin and Felix burst into quiet laughter.
"No" Jeongin said.

"Kingdom mission. When we went to stop the drug ring and you made a small mistake. We caught you crying in the kitchen alone" Seungmin said.
Jeongin heard 'kingdom' and tried best to think back to the event to try and make himself cry. He felt stupid but a singular tear fell from his cheek.
"There we go. I tried and failed. New plan" Jeongin said and moved a bit as his legs were starting to hurt when he felt a shadow look over him.

"Jeongin why are you crying what happened" a voice said.
"Oh please no" Jeongin looked up to see Chan and Changbin stood there.
"OMG, he summoned him" Felix said and toppled backwards into Hyunjin.
"Damn it worked. Least now I know how to find Chan when I need him" Seungmin clapped his hands softly.

"What are you lot on about?" Chan asked.
All three of them put their hands out and made a prayer motion.
"We are not worthy" they all said at once.
"Wait does that make Chan an angel or a demon" Hyunjin asked.
"He is from the Tower of God" Felix dramatically said.

"Chan why are you here" Jeongin asked.
"They wouldn't let us in the front so we came with you guys" Chan said "now why are you crying".
"These guys thought me crying would summon you so we tried the theory" Jeongin sighed.
"Why? Don't we have more important things than my summoning" Chan didn't look surprised.
"We forgot which door we need" Seungmin just ripped off the bandaid.
Chan did not look impressed.
"The one in front of us a few meters away" Chan pointed.
"Thank the lord. I didn't want to go past the courtyard" Hyunjin said.
"If it was the one over there don't you think we would have a broken in closer to it not the other side of the compound?" Chan asked.
"We are in adrenaline mode Chan we don't need to be really smart" Felix said.

"Let's go then. We don't have all evening" Changbin said.
"Oh yes right" Felix stood up.
"Before we all go in I have a few words to say" Chan said and everyone looked at him "when we get back I'm having words about you all making Jeongin cry".
"Whhaaaaat. Please Chan it was to test a theory" Hyunjin begged.
"Not the point" Chan went first towards the door.
"Favourite child privileges at its finest" Seungmin shook his head.

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