Your compromised

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"It's very loud" Felix said covering his ears as they snuck their way in when the guards weren't looking and went to the first floor.
"Did you expect it to be quiet? What were you thinking to walk in to see an illegal silent disco with headphones?" Minho said pushing past two people.
"Would have been nice" Felix and and Minho looked back unable to tell if Felix was joking or not.

The three boys made it to the viewing gallery and stood next to a bunch of people holding money yelling for their favourite fighter to win.
"What's going on?" Minho asked.
"Didn't you read the event information I send to the group chat?" Chan asked.
"Ha you think I read the group chat. It's almost always just Felix sending memes" Minho said.
"Oi" Felix looked offended then thought for a second "Your not wrong but they are good memes".
"There are sections to the event this one is the main part it's called the Warfare event" Chan said as the boys looked to see the fight was about to begin.

The other four members of the gang were in the other end of the building. Unlike the others they couldn't be seen as they were in a restricted area and didn't look anything like guards so couldn't blend in with them. They all were crouched down making their way through behind the boxes.
"Where did Chan say the guards kept the keys?" Jeongin asked.
"At the guard post in the middle between all sections" Hyunjin said peeking round the corner before moving on.
"Okay. And where's that?" Jeongin asked.
"Erm I don't know how to explain it clearly" Hyunjin said then stopped and looked around and pointed "there".
Jeongin looked through the cracks in the boxes and followed Hyunjins finger to where there was a guard stood with five sets of keys behind him.
"Why is there five sets, there's only four sections?" Changbin asked.
"One of the keys for the main cage where the prisoners fight" Jeongin said.
"Ah got it" Changbin said.
"Based on what Chan said guards don't have patterns, they move whenever they feel like it so this is harder than usual. I'd say we split up and attack them from different directions for best results" Seungmin said and the rest nodded.
"Jeongin, Seungmin one of you with me" Changbin said.
"What about me?" Hyunjin asked.
"Your dumb. You'll trip on something and get caught. I'm choosing the best chance of life" Changbin said and Hyunjin side eyed him so bad.

"I'll go with Hyunjin" Jeongin said and pulled Hyunjin back and starting heading a different route.
"Well come on then" Seungmin said pushing Changbin forward who tripped and nearly knocked all the boxes over.
Changbin turned around to see Hyunjin pop his his head back from behind the boxes and pointed at him silently laughing.
Changbin gave him the finger and Hyunjin just kept smiling until a hand came from around the boxes onto his shoulder and pulled him back out of view.

The now split group made their way as close to the guard post as they could without being caught.
"When should we move?" Hyunjin asked looking at Jeongin.
"I'd wait until only one guard is left as it gives less chance of one escaping and warning the other guards" Jeongin said and Hyunjin nodded in agreement.
The boys watched and waited for the right time.
"How do you thing Seungmin and Changbin are doing?" Jeongin asked out of the blue.
"Probably same as us" Hyunjin said "I mean they aren't stupid enough to attack 5 guys at once".

Both of the boys laughed at the comment but didn't see Changbin sneaking up behind one of the guards and put him in a headlock. Seungmin ran from behind him and punched another in the face.
Jeongin was smiling at Hyunjin then looked back at the guard post and his eyes went wide.
"Nevermind. Hyunjin up now" Jeongi said alarmed and jumped up and ran from behind the boxes. Hyunjin noticed and ran closely behind Jeongin.

They joined in the sparring and managed to immobilise all 5 men.
"Are you stupid" Jeongin nearly yelled at the two boys.
"You could have messed everything up" Hyunjin struggled keeping his voice calm.
"It worked didn't it" Changbin shrugged.
"I wouldn't say that" Seungmin suddenly said and the three boys looked at him and then to where he was looking to see a guard looking at them from a distance and then disappear.

"Okay well we are screwed" Hyunjin sighed.
"Everyone just grab a set of keys, let's try and get this done before everything goes too bizarre" Jeongin said grabbing a set of keys.
"Guess Minho gets his wish" Changbin said also grabbing a set of keys quickly followed by Hyunjin.
Everyone ran off in different directions.
"How fun, I get two sets of keys. One for prisoners and the other for the most heavily guarded place in the entire venue. Yay" Seungmin grabbed the keys and disappeared out of view.

"How can people like this kind of thing?" Felix asked watching someone chop someone else in half with a long sword.
"It's disgusting" Chan felt bad watching this "people forced to become something else to survive".
"I feel bad for that one there" Minho said folding his arms.
"Which one?" Felix asked.
"That one there holding the screw. Look how the others are killing on instant but he won't even pick up a weapon" Minho said watching this boy fall against the cage before being pushed back in by the crowd.

"I think we have a bigger problem" Chan said and Minho turned his head to Chan who was looking at the changes in the guards.
"They're compromised" Felix said watching guards run from the main venue to the back.
"We need a diversion" Chan said "Minho..".

Chan went to look for Minho who had already stood on the edge of the barrier to the first floor.
"HEEEYYYYY. YOU PEOPLE MISS US" Minho yelled and people diverted their view from the fight to Minho.
"STRAY KIDS ARE HERE TO GIVE YOU JUDGEMENT" Minho grabbed a knife from his belt and flung it forward hitting a guard point blanc in the forehead.

Everyone froze for a second before a frenzy broke out. The spenders began running out of the building while guards raced toward them making their way to the first floor.
"I guess that's one way to make a diversion" Chan said putting his gloves on to avoid getting too much blood on his hands and cracked his knuckles just as the guards pushed their way through the escaping crowd towards them.

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