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2 weeks later

"This doesn't feel right" Jeongin said as he tried to put on a black tie.
"This is what you need to wear Jeongin" Chan said as he turned Jeongin round and did his tie for him before fixing his own jacket and making sure his suit was all good.
"I know I need to wear this but" Jeongin said.
"We are all wearing the same thing Jeongin don't worry" Chan said as he looked in the mirror at them both wearing black and white suits.

The two boys left their room and went downstairs to where the other 4 were waiting.
"Your all ready to go?" Chan asked and everyone nodded.
They all left and Chan got two of the members in the back, two in the middle and one in the front with him.
Chan set off and the car ride seemed pretty silent.

"This feels awkward" Felix said feeling odd from the lack of talking in the car.
"Does anyone have anything to speak about?" Chan asked as he put on the indicator.
"Yes why am I in the back. I have the longest legs and the least leg room" Hyunjin complained.
"Oh don't complain. It's only a 15 minute journey" Jeongin said.
"It's too cramped back here though. Plus my arm still needs room" Hyunjin said.
"Don't even Hyunjin. Your burn has pretty much cleared up now" Seungmin said.
"Ouch ouch my arm my arm. It stings when it touches things"'Hyunjin said.
"I'll make it sting when I punch it" Changbin said next to him.
"Well that's not very nice" Hyunjin gasped.
"Then stop being dramatic" Changbin smiled.
"Short bodybuilder" Hyunjin hissed.
"Ferret" Changbin shot back.
"Guys. Stop it" Jeongin said.
"Am I getting Deja-vu? Hasn't this conversation happened before" Felix asked
"I know you get Deja Vu" Seungmin began humming alone in the back.
"And it's back to chaos" Chan said to himself as he turned off the main road.

They drove for slightly longer before Chan parked up and got everyone out of the car.
"Come on everyone" Chan took a good five minutes trying to get everyone out of the car as Hyunjin and Changbin kept fighting who got to get out off the car first.
They made their way inside the building and sat themselves down on the chairs.
"It's quite warm in here" Felix said as he took off his jacket.
"Shouldn't you keep your jacket on?" Seungmin said.
"Why?" Felix asked.
"To pay your respects. You should wait until later" Seungmin said.
Everyone looked at Seungmin.

"You make it sound like someone's dead" a voice came from behind Seungmin startling him. He turned his head around to see Jisung stood there.
"Hey Jisung" Felix waved.
"You were nearly dead two weeks ago" Jeongin raised his eyebrows.
"Correction he was legally dead for 2 minutes" Seungmin said.
"That's a lovely thing to say Seungmin" Chan sighed.
"You're about to make Felix cry" Changbin looked over at Felix.
"I could have lost my best friend" Felix sniffled and Hyunjin rubbed his back hoping to stop the waterworks before they started.

"Anyway you're late" Jeongin said.
"I got a little held up" Jisung smiled.
"Where's Minho?" Chan asked.
"And that's why I was held up" Jisung smiled as Minho came running into the room.

"Why are you so late Minho?" Felix asked as Jisung sat down with Minho next to him.
"And why did you two make us all wear suits. This restaurant is fancy and all but is it really suit fancy?" Seungmin asked.
"It's because it's a special occasion. It wouldn't be special if you were all wearing normal clothes now would it" Minho said.
"What special occasion? It's not anyone's birthday" Jeongin said.
"And this is why we were late" Jisung said.

"Spill I wanna know the tea" Felix leaned forwards to hear everything.
"Well as you guys know we went out earlier and are late because we got slightly caught up in a moment" Jisung said.
"Caught up in a moment?" Hyunjin said.
"You had a make out session?" Seungmin said.
"WhAt Seungmin NO" Jisung swiped his hands around.

"I asked him to be my boyfriend" Minho said.
"YES" Felix yelled and the table got some odd looks from people around them.
"Finally" Chan said clapping.
"Oi Chan. We were recovering for the past week and I slept for a good few days of them" Minho said throwing a jab at him.
"I'm surprised you just asked him to be your boyfriend. I thought you would be engaged" Seungmin said as he called a waiter over to get some drinks.

"Well I'm happy" Jisung smiled as he leaned onto Minho.
"I guess it really is time for a celebration" Jeongin said.
"Does that mean I can drink?" Felix asked.
"No" Chan said straight away.
"Awww come on Chan" Felix pouted.
"You can have a sip of mine but you're not having a full glass to yourself" Chan said.
"Whhyyy" Felix complained.
"Because last time you drank you tried to fight a foot stool" Chan said.

"Oh god that was so funny though" Seungmin laughed.
"He tried to fight a foot stool?" Jisung sniggered.
"Yeah I have a video lemme get it up" Seungmin said.
"No no don't show him that" Felix reached over and tried to snatch Seungmins phone but it was too late and he was already showing Jisung.
"Felix you idiot" Jisung laughed so hard his stomach started to hurt.

"So Felix you're not drinking and neither are you Jisung and Minho" Chan said.
"Why not me?" Minho gasped.
"You're still healing from your injuries. You nearly both died. No strenuous exercise or alcohol remember" Chan said.
"Legally.." Seungmin began but Changbin covered his mouth to stop him.
"Fine" Minho frowned.
"Oh come on you can just have a coke" Jisung patted his shoulder and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Ewwwwww" Jeongin and Hyunjin both said at the same time.
"Shush" Jisung stuck his tongue out at them.

The rest of the night was incredibly fun. Laughter and smiles filled the table and everyone was having the best time. The food was good. The drinks were good and the company was good.
Jisung was grinning from ear to ear in Minhos grasp and was enjoying every second of it.
Seeing everyone smile and having fun made everything Jisung had been through all worth it.

Leading up to this moment Jisung wouldn't have anything any other way.
If changing something made this moment not possible he didn't want it.

He was finally free and found the family he had been wanting for many years.
Everything was good. Everyone was happy. Everybody was smiling.

Nothing could ruin it now.

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