Waking up

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Jisung felt warm. He could feel himself awake but his eyes wouldn't open. He could feel and hear people moving around him but he couldn't move. He tried to open his eyes to let light in but when he tried all he saw the a blurry shade of white of the ceiling above him. His eyes shut and again he just drifted in darkness. The feeling of a wet towel on his neck helped sooth him as the pain of his injuries didn't bother him.
For a slight moment he wished he could stay like that. No pain. No worries. No problems. But all good things never last and Jisung felt his body being pulled back into reality.

He opened his eyes and kept blinking until he could see the ceiling in clear view before looking around. He was alone in a fairly large room. The walls were white and grey with a sofa on one side of the room and a couple cupboards with a small table next to his bed.
Slowly he sat himself up and doubled checked to make sure he wasn't in a hospital. Hospital rooms were never this nice and he certainly could not pay for VIP treatment rooms.
He tried to look out of the window but as he did he felt a searing pain in his head. He looked away from it and it stopped.
"So I'm a vampire now" Jisung said to himself and realised how hoarse his voice was.
"Queue Bite me" Jisung flicked his hand up and sighed at himself in embarrassment.

Looking at the small table next to him was a cup of water. He rushed to pick it up but stopped as he grimaced in pain.
Jisung went a bit slower this time and picked up the cup and held it in both his hands. He took a slow sip and allowed his body to enjoy the feeling of the cold water down his throat. He took a deep breath and went to take another sip when the door on the right hand side of the room blasted open.
Startled, Jisung jumped and spilt some of the water down his shirt.

"Your awake!!" the boy who entered looked at him and poked his head back out the door "HEEEEYYYYYY GUUUYYYSSS HES AWAKE".
Jisung looked at the boy but couldn't remember his name. Of course he knew all the names of the gang members but he just didn't know who was who. "What a great spy I am" Jisung thought to himself and his mood dropped. Right he was a spy.

The boy came close and stood by the end of the bed.
"It's good to see you awake. You have been asleep for 3 days we were all starting to get worried" the boy smiled brightly at Jisung as if he was an old friend.
"Jeongin you haven't scared him have you" Chan walked in and saw Jisung's startled face.
"Scared? I'm not scary" Jeongin said.
"Yeah until I catch you in the kitchen with a bowl of milk in the dark smiling" Hyunjin walked in raising his eyes.
"A bowl?" Seungmin followed into the room.
"There were no clean cups" Jeongin shrugged.
"It was still terrifying you looked like the joker" Hyunjin shuddered.

"Anyway" Changbin said hinting at Jisung as he entered the room with Minho.
Chan walked over and pulled a chair next to the wall towards Jisung and sat down close to him by the bed.
"Hello. My names Chan. I want you to know you are no longer a prisoner, you don't need to be afraid anymore and we won't do anything to you" Chan said straight away.
Jisung just nodded along.
"All of the prisoners from the fight ring have already been transferred somewhere better or overseas. You are here as your injuries were very serious. I'm going to be perfectly honest with you I didn't think you would make it but Felix wouldn't let it go" Chan spoke the honest truth.
Jisung went to say something but a tickle crept up in his throat and launched him into a coughing fit.
"I'll get you another glass of water" Jeongin rushed forward and took the cup from Jisung. Most of it had ended up on his shirt.
Jeongin quickly gave him a new glass of water and Jisung nearly downed the whole thing.

"Don't talk if it hurts. Let your body fix it in time" Chan said smiling at Jisung.
The room went quickly silent before Seungmin broke the quiet barrier.
"Right we haven't introduced ourselves" Seungmin said "I'll go first I'm Seungmin the most sane one in this household".

That send the whole group into a frenzy.

"I'm sorry" Chan said to Jisung "this is unfortunately how it is around here".
Jisung couldn't help but smile as the group argued with each other. He watched Chan stand up and peel Minho off Seungmin.

Minho laughed slightly and turned to look at the boy in the bed. He was looking at Minho.
Minho saw the boys smile get wider as he laughed. He tilted his head slightly and looked at the boys hands which weren't bandaged but had nasty gash wounds on his palms. It brought back the memories of him seeing the boy fighting for his life in the ring. The fact he could smile amazed Minho.
"Are you in any pain?" Minho suddenly asked.
Jisung shook his head and gave a thumbs up. When he did so he flinched slightly at the pain but pretended it didn't happen as he gave Minho a good nod with his thumbs up.
This made Minho chuckle.

"HES AWAKE?!?!?" a loud boom echoed out the room as a boy came sliding in and tripped falling face first on the floor.
"Hello Felix" Chan sighed as the boy rolled over onto his back.
"Heeeyy Chaaannn" Felix smiled and bounced himself back up.

Felix went over and sat on the bed next to Jisung's legs, stared him right in the eyes and asked.
"Do you know me?".

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